Student Rights and Responsibilities

Student Life Policies

At Wilkes, we strive to cultivate an environment that encourages intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and constructive actions. We wish to encourage students to make decisions in terms of the highest ethical principles and to foster a sense of individual and social responsibility that will lead to personal integrity and mutual trust.

The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Contact: Mark Allen, PhD, Associate Vice President of Student Life and Success; Susan Hritzak, Registrar

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. Students obtain these rights upon attendance at ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app. Attendance at ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app begins with either the first day of class or the date the student moves into student housing, whichever is earlier. ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app has chosen to assume that all students have reached the age of legal majority (18) as stated in the document.

Students can access their bills, mid-term grades and final grades online via the University Portal under the Student tab → Student Services. Bills are found in the My Account area, and grades are found in the My Records area.

Under FERPA, students have a right to see, inspect and request changes to their education records. To inspect education records, a student should submit a written request identifying the records to be inspected to the Student Life and Academic Success, 2nd floor, Passan Hall. Written requests to access records will receive a response within a reasonable time, but not more than forty-five days after submission. A University official will arrange for access and will notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. Records that are not subject to review are outlined below. If the records contain information on more than one student, the requesting student may inspect, review, or be informed on only the specific information about their own records. A student may obtain copies of their education records; however, will incur duplicating costs.

The contents of a student's education records may be challenged by the student on the grounds that they are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the privacy rights of the student by submitting a written statement to the custodian of records. The student should clearly identify the part of the record he or she wants changed and specify why it should be changed. If ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app decides not to amend the record as requested, the University will notify the student in writing of the decision and the student's right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.

Typically, student records are maintained in the following University offices:

--Academic Information, Registrar's Office
--Career, Placement Service Records, Career Services Office
--Financial Records, Bursar's Office
--Financial Aid Records, Financial Aid Office
--Residence Life and Disciplinary Records, Residence Life or the Office of Student Life and Academic Success
--Student Personnel/Transcript/Disciplinary Records/Official Correspondence, the Office of Student Life and Academic Success
The term "education records" is defined as those records that contain information directly related to a student and which are maintained by an educational agency or institution or by a party acting for the agency or institution. Typical educational records include: applications, transcripts, advising records, letters of evaluation, disciplinary records, and other records related to work-study and financial records.

A student does not have a right under FERPA to inspect information that is not an education record, such as:

Medical Treatment records; Law enforcement records; Employment records (provided that employment is unrelated to student status);Records containing information about the individual that were created or received after he or she is no longer a student and that are not directly related to the student's attendance at the University; Records of instructional, supervisory, and administrative personnel and educational personnel that are kept in the sole possession of the maker of the record and are not accessible or revealed to any other person except a temporary substitute for the maker of the record; and Peer-graded papers before they are collected and recorded by an instructor.

Note: A student may have rights to inspect such records under other laws.

In addition, a student does not have the right to access certain education records, such as:

Confidential letters of recommendation, if the student has waived their right of access in writing; Financial records of the student's parents; Records connected with denied applications to attend the ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app; Admissions records for a student who does not officially attend the program of admission. If the student completed a course at the University but never officially attended as a degree candidate in the program of admission, then the student has FERPA rights with respect to that course but does not have rights with respect to the admissions records for that program; Records of a student that contain information on other students. The student may inspect, review, or be informed of only the specific information about student.

The Registrar releases directory information: the student's name, address (including email address), telephone number, photograph, field of study, dates of attendance, degrees, awards, and the most recent educational agency or institution attended by the student. This information may be released without a student's consent. A student may request such information not be released by the Registrar. This request must be made in writing to the Registrar by the end of the first week of classes of the semester. Such requests must be filed yearly.

Directory Information is not published for distribution to vendors, but is furnished to law enforcement agencies and within the University community.

Information contained in a student's record may not be released without the student's written consent with the following exceptions:

Disclosure is authorized in writing by the student. When the University releases or discloses information to third parties pursuant to a student's written authorization, it is done on the condition that the third party to whom the information or record is released or disclosed will not, in turn, release or disclose it to anyone else without the express written consent of the student.

Disclosure is to University officials who need to know so as to accomplish legitimate purposes related to their functions. A University official is a person employed by the ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥appin an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position. A University official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill their professional responsibilities for the [school or university].

Disclosure is to officials of other schools in which a student intends to enroll. Disclosure is to parents of dependent students. Dependency status, for the purpose of this policy statement, is defined by Internal Revenue Service guidelines. Documentation must be provided prior to release of information. Disclosure is to specified representatives of governmental agencies, educational organizations or other entities as described by federal regulations or otherwise required by state or federal law. Custodians of records should obtain interpretations whenever third parties request personally identifiable information. Disclosure is in connection with a student's application for, or receipt of, financial aid. Disclosure to accrediting organizations. Disclosure to organizations conducting studies on behalf of educational institutions. Disclosure is in compliance with a conduct order or subpoena. The staff member receiving such order, shall, if possible, immediately notify the student concerned in writing prior to compliance with such order or subpoena. Disclosure is to parents of students under the age of 21 who are found to be in violation of alcohol and/or drug policies. Disclosure of results of a disciplinary hearing to an alleged victim of a crime of violence. Under the Clery Act, disclosure to the accuser and accused of the outcome of a disciplinary proceeding related to an alleged sex offense. Disclosure of information received under a community notification program concerning a student who is required to register as a sex offender in the State. Information from University records may be released to appropriate persons in connection with an emergency if the knowledge of such information is necessary to protect the health or safety of a student or other persons.

ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app's guidelines for implementing FERPA are maintained by the Associate Vice President for Student Life and Academic Success. Students should address questions, concerns, or problems to Mark Allen, Associate Vice President for the Office of Student Life and Academic Success.

Students may file formal complaints regarding alleged failure of the University to comply with FERPA with the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20202-4605.

The Registrar's Office will maintain a record kept with the permanent educational record of each student which will indicate all parties other than those listed above and in 99:30 of the Act who have requested and obtained access to a student's record which will indicate specifically the legitimate interest that each party has in obtaining this information.

During each academic year the Marketing Communications Office will, for various reasons, send releases containing student information to the media. Information may include items such as: name, address (including email address), telephone listing, date and place of birth, name and address of parent or guardian, major field, photograph, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height (if one is a member of an athletic team), dates of attendance, degrees and awards received; the Dean's List; lists of graduates, and the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student.

Under The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, students have the right to withhold disclosure of any or all of the items listed above. Written notification to withhold this information from the media must be received each year by the Marketing Communication Office by the end of the first week of classes of the semester. Such requests must be filed yearly.

A request to withhold any or all of the above data will not restrict internal use of the material by the University.

Student's rights under FERPA include the following:

  • The right to inspect and review information contained in educational records.
  • The right to request amendment of educational records to ensure they are not inaccurate, misleading or otherwise in violation of privacy or other rights.
  • The right to consent to disclosure, with exceptions specified in the Act, of personally identifiable information from education records.
  • This copy of institutional policy.
  • The right to file complaints with the Department of Education concerning alleged failure of this institution to comply with the Act.

Students may waive any or all rights to review confidential letters and statements of recommendation.

The right of waiver is subject to the following conditions:

  • The institution may not require waivers.
  • No institutional service or benefit be denied students who fail to supply waivers.
  • Documents for which a student has waived the right to access are used only for the purposes for which the waiver was collected.
  • Waivers must be in writing and signed by the student.

Voting and Citizenship Responsibilities

The University encourages all students to take seriously their responsibility, as citizens, to vote. It takes only minutes to register!

Any questions about voter registration may be directed to Mark Allen, Associate Vice President for Student Life and Success, at

Additional PA voting resources can be found below:

Student Conduct

Contact: Gretchen Yeninas, Dean of Student Life

Members of a University enjoy unique privileges and also incur responsibilities to that community. The cornerstone of any academic community must be honesty in all matters, academic and non-academic alike. A mutual commitment to uphold certain common values needs to exist. The successful operation of our community demands full participation of all components to ensure that the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of all are protected.

In general, a student is any individual who has been admitted, matriculated, enrolled or registered in any academic program or other educational activity provided by the Trustees of ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app. Students, by their matriculation and acceptance of registration, accept the responsibility to act in conformity with University regulations. Infractions of University regulations are subject to disciplinary action. Faculty, staff, and students are expected to uphold University-adopted regulations, report infractions of those regulations, serve as witnesses when asked to do so.

This mutual cooperation will lead to the perpetuation of a community and a system that is fair and respectful of individual and community rights.

The primary concern of the University is the welfare of the student. All actions that may affect the future of the student are part of this concern.

Code of Conduct

The following behavior may precipitate disciplinary action:

  1. Safety and Welfare: Actions indicating a lack of concern for the welfare or safety of others or conduct which may discredit the University.
    1. No person shall cause or contribute to unreasonable noise. Courtesy and reasonableness are always expected as the rights of those being disturbed are preeminent. Intensive efforts at being quiet and respectful are expected in residence halls/apartments/suites during designated quiet hours. Residential courtesy hours are 24 hours a day.
    2. No person shall interfere with the freedom of movement for others. No person shall interfere with others' access and use of public facilities, campus facilities, or private living space.
    3. No person shall fail to report a violation of the student code of which he/she has knowledge.
    4. No person shall file a false report or student conduct documentation.
    5. No person shall operate a business form their University-provided residence.
    6. All students must evacuate during fire alarms or drills
    7. No person shall throw, drop, or propel anything out of a window, over an apartment balcony, or off the roof of a campus building. No person shall be on the roof of a University- owned building. No Items may be displayed on the balcony railing of any University-owned building.
    8. No person shall possess or use firecrackers, fireworks, or other explosives.
    9. No person shall possess or use dangerous weapons. This includes, but is not limited to, guns, knives, martial arts' devices, swords, percussion weapons, bow and arrows, ammunition, clubs, or any other devices used aggressively.
    10. No person shall set a fire or attempt to start a fire. No person shall engage in behavior that potentially could start a fire, e.g., burning candles, lighting aerosol propellants. No person shall falsely report a fire, bomb, or similar emergency.
    11. No person shall demonstrate behavior or engage in activities that endanger the safety or well- being of oneself or others. This includes physical violence, implications of violence or creating a hostile living or working environment.
    12. No person shall trespass, conspire, or engage in unauthorized entry. This includes the unauthorized use or possession of keys, including those of the University.
    13. No person shall interfere with emergency services or procedures. No person shall fail to evacuate a building or cooperate with University staff members during a fire alarm.
    14. No person shall tamper with fire equipment, nor use such equipment in a manner other than for the control or prevention of a fire. No person shall cover smoke detectors for any reason.
    15. Due to life threatening allergies, latex products (or products containing latex) are prohibited in University facilities.
  2. Intimidation and hostile environment: Actions or conduct that are intended to intimidate another person because of race, color, religious or national origin, gender, disability, or sexual orientation; The deliberate creation on the part of an individual student or a group of students of a hostile environment; Hateful acts or utterances that are flagrantly abusive and intended to insult and/or stigmatize an individual; Hostile conduct or behavior that might incite violence
    1. No person shall create, or help create, a safety hazard. No person shall knowingly violate safety/security regulations or interfere with the safe and clean environment of others.
    2. No person shall engage in actions that demean, or debase a person's sexual freedom, gender, sexual or affectional preference.
    3. No person shall display sexually demeaning written, electronic or visual materials in living or work areas of the University.
    4. No person shall knowingly make false statements as part of a University student conduct hearing or to a University official.
    5. No person shall fail to fully comply with the reasonable directives of University staff acting according to their duties or with the directives/sanctions of a disciplinary hearing board or officer. This includes, but is not limited to, a summons for adjudication and the fulfillment of required sanctions/stipulations.
    6. No person shall interfere with others' freedom of speech.
    7. No person shall engage in intrusive, vulgar, lewd, obscene, public profanity or indecent conduct. This includes the use of technology (webcams, cameras, cell phones, etc.) to invade one's privacy.
  3. Involvement with law enforcement
    1. Students living in the off campus area should abide by local ordinances
    2. No student shall be disrespectful of community neighbors, other tenants or property owners.
    3. Students who are arrested or cited by any law enforcement bodies will face disciplinary action
  4. Abuse of property — public or private.
    1. No person shall tamper with, misuse, remove or borrow property from others or the University, without permission.
    2. No person shall damage, deface, or destroy the property of others or that of the University.
    3. No person shall steal property from the University or from others.
    4. No person shall be in possession of stolen property.
    5. No person shall, without proper authorization, remove any food or utensils from a dining facility.
  5. Irresponsible fiscal conduct
    1. No student shall misappropriate club or organization funds.
    2. All student shall follow the club fundraising guidelines as outlined in this handbook.
  6. Alcohol, Drugs and Smoking: Non-compliance with the University policies and commonwealth and federal laws relative to drugs, alcoholic beverages, and gambling.
    1. No person under the age of 21 shall be in possession of alcoholic beverages.
    2. *Alcoholic beverages found in the possession of underage students/areas where underage students reside may result in the disposal of contents.
    3. No person under the age of 21 shall consume alcoholic beverages.
    4. No person shall use alcohol in an excessive manner resulting in a state of intoxication that endangers oneself or other members of the community.
    5. No person, regardless of age, shall share, furnish, sell, and/or distribute alcohol to persons under the age of 21 including, but not limited to, charging admission to a social event where alcohol is served, hosting or organizing a social gathering where persons under the age of 21 consume alcohol, and/or providing alcohol to person under the age of 21.
    6. No person shall host a disruptive social gathering where alcohol is present.
    7. No person shall be in possession of drinking game apparatuses (beer bongs, beer pong tables/set up, etc.). Items such as kegs, taps, and beer bongs will be referred to Public Safety.
    8. No person shall be in possession of drug paraphernalia.
    9. All incidents involving suspicion of drugs and/or drug paraphernalia will be immediately referred to Public Safety and/or Wilkes-Barre Police Department. Public Safety/WBPD may further investigate the situation, resulting potentially in legal charges being filed.
    10. No person shall possess or use illegal drugs or narcotics. Medicinal marijuana usage is prohibited within the University residential facilities. Illegal drugs are defined by state and federal statutes
    11. No person shall manufacture, share, furnish, distribute, sell, exchange, or offer to sell illegal drugs, narcotics, or drug paraphernalia.
    12. No person shall misuse, share, furnish, distribute, sell, exchange, or offer to sell over-the-counter medications, prescriptions, and/or other legal materials or substances, creating potential danger to self or others.
    13. No person shall engage in any gambling activities within University residential facilities. 
    14. No person, regardless of age, shall be intoxicated in campus facilities. Intoxication is not an excuse for behavior.
    15. Displays of empty alcohol containers are prohibited in the residence halls.
    16. No person shall possess or use synthetic drugs or narcotics.
    17. No person shall smoke inside a University-owned building. This included cigarettes, e-cigarettes, hookah and vaping.
  7. Academic Dishonesty
    1. Cheating
    2. Collusion
    3. Falsifying
    4. Plagiarism
    5. Technology not approved by a faculty member is not allowed.
  8. Blocking campus process: Behavior that results in blocking the administrative, educative process at Wilkes.
  9. Furnishing false information: Fraud, forgery, alteration, or misuse of University documents, records, or identification cards.
    1. No person shall allow others to use his or her University identification card or residence hall access card.
    2. No person shall use another's University identification card or residence hall access card.
    3. No person shall refuse, upon request, to provide his or her correct name and appropriate identification to a University staff member or authorized Public Safety Officer performing their legitimate duties. Students are expected to carry their University identification card when on campus.
    4. No person shall enter a dining facility without proper authorization and identification.
    5. No student shall falsify a parking application or parking pass
    6. Improper use of parking pass, including sharing with another person or using it on an unauthorized vehicle
    7. Unauthorized use of visitor pass, or obtaining a visitor pass under false circumstances
  10. Inappropriate use of social media.
  11. Residence Hall violations
    1. Violation of housing contract
    2. Inappropriate use of furniture
    3. Use of room outside of approved occupancy time
    4. Not vacating room for breaks/vacations
    5. Damage/vandalism
    6. Unauthorized relocation
    7. Misuse of lounge furniture
    8. Misuse of keys
    9. Quiet hours
    10. Propping exterior doors or fire doors
    11. Hanging signs, banners or flags out windows or balconies
    12. Inappropriate exercise equipment
    13. Fights with substances
    14. Running a business out of room
    15. Throwing items out window or from balcony
    16. Misuse of fire escape or roof
    17. Inappropriate decoration
    18. Possession of prohibited item(s)
    19. Inappropriate appliances
    20. Cleanliness
    21. Pets
    22. Visitation

Students are responsible for maintaining standards of conduct that are not only in compliance with University regulations and the law, but for maintaining behavior that is not detrimental to the University. This obligation extends to the campus, the community, and University sponsored activities and events held at off-campus locations.

Students have the right to expect they can be free from being exposed to hateful acts or utterances while in the privacy of their residence hall rooms.

Students have a basic obligation to maintain conduct that supports the health, safety, and wellbeing of all members of the community.

The University holds students responsible for their behavior at all times.

Students are expected to comply with written or verbal directives given by University officials in the discharge of their duties and responsibilities for the University.

Because students participate in the development and adoption of programs, policies, and regulations, the University deems it undesirable to retain those students who are unwilling to support policies that have been adopted after consultation and deliberation among students, faculty, and administration. The University, therefore, may require the withdrawal of students whose influence and behavior are deemed detrimental to the best interests of the University.

Student leaders are expected to serve in an ethical manner in support of their organizations and the interest of the University.

Discipline includes the responsibility of acceptance of authority and conformity to rules; just as significant, it includes the responsibility for oneself and the community in which one studies and lives.

Action is taken (sanctions) with the hope of educating students to become responsible members of the University community. Our conduct system is not a court of law and hearings are conducted in the presence of the hearing board (an individual or group), the students involved, and witnesses. Attorneys representing the student or the University are not allowed to be present. Generally, family members are not allowed at hearings, although individual hearing boards may make an exception to this regulation. Students will be notified in writing of the time and place of conduct violation hearings and charges being reviewed by the initiating adjudicating body. Such notification may be 1) sent to the student's permanent address; 2) sent to the student's off-campus apartment address; 3) sent to the student's on-campus mailbox; 4) placed under a student's residence hall room door:5) sent via campus email.

If a student fails to appear at a scheduled hearing the adjudicating body has the right to adjudicate the case despite the student's absence.

Hearings conducted by the Student Life Council will be audio recorded. No copies of the recording may be made and recording is destroyed following the final adjudication of the case. The student who has been sanctioned may, with their advisor for the appeal of the case, review the recording of the original proceedings in the presence of the Dean of Student Life, or her delegate, in order to prepare for their appeal request to the University Judicial Council. While the recording is not in use it will be secured by the Office of Student Life.

Students will be notified, in writing, of the results of conduct violation hearings. Copies of such letters are kept in the student's file in the Student Life Office for the duration of the student's enrollment at the University or completion of his/her studies. Conduct infractions and sanctions (exceptions: indefinite suspension and disciplinary dismissal) are not part of a student's permanent file nor are they indicated on the official transcript (exception: academic dishonesty).

  1. Sanctions are revealed only to the student being sanctioned and may not be shared with others with the following exceptions:
  2. Victims of violent crimes as defined by the UCR will be informed of sanctions imposed as is consistent with federal legislation.
  3. Sanctions invoked in cases involving academic fraud will be shared with the faculty member who has brought the charges of academic dishonesty.
  4. Sanctions levied in conjunction with offenses relative to the Middle States Collegiate Athletic Conference's Statement on Sportsmanlike Conduct will be shared with those stated in that policy.
  5. Sanctions levied in cases involved in suspension or dismissal of international students will be shared with the Embassy involved.
  6. Sanctions involving arson or attempted arson will be shared with the Fire Chief.

Conduct violation proceedings may be initiated against a student independently of civil or criminal action. University proceedings may occur prior to, simultaneously with, or following proceedings held by civil or criminal authorities. Students are held accountable for behavior occurring off campus when such behavior adversely affects the interests of the University or its objectives as an educational institution. In all student conduct hearings, regardless of the adjudicating body, the standard of proof is by a "preponderance of the evidence," which means the evidence is sufficient to determine that the proposition is "more likely to be true than not."

Response to Conduct Violations

Students who come to ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥appjoin the academic community of the University as well as the community of Wilkes-Barre. We all share the obligation to be cognizant of our responsibilities as members of these communities. Any behavior that is contrary to the regulations of these two communities — or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania — may result in sanctions. Sanctions are imposed in an attempt to help members of these communities recognize that their actions must reflect acceptable norms that have been established and recognized.

The authority to investigate and adjudicate alleged conduct violations rests primarily with the Office of Student Life. Other agents of the University also have jurisdiction to hear and decide on actions that are counter to the guidelines set forth in the Student Handbook.

Meetings concerned with conduct violations will be held as soon as possible after an offense is reported and investigated. An educational conference will be held with the accused student no later than 10 academic days following notification of an infraction unless special circumstances require a delay in the process. A delay of a hearing beyond 10 days must be approved by the Associate Vice President of Student Life and Success. In most cases, students will have an educational conference with a member of the Student Life staff to review the charges and procedures. If an accused student accepts responsibilities for the pending charges and agrees with the sanction(s) imposed then the process concludes. If an accused students does not take responsibility for the policy violations and/or does not agree with the appropriateness of the sanction(s), a hearing will be arranged with the Dean of Student Life, Office of Residence Life, or the Student Life Council to determine the outcome relative to guilt and sanctioning. Pending a hearing, a student's status will not ordinarily be altered and his/her right to be a full member of the University community will be intact.

Cases involving sexual misconduct, will be referred to the Title IX office and may follow a different process (see APPENDIX C).

When a student's continued presence on the campus is deemed a disruption to the University community the Dean of Student Life may impose an interim suspension. During the period of interim suspension the student is not permitted on campus until the date of the Student Life Council hearing. This meeting will occur as quickly as reasonably possible following the invoking of the interim suspension.

At least three members of the Student Life Council will be present when cases are presented. In cases of academic dishonesty, a faculty member will be part of the Council as well. The Student Life Council consists of the Dean of Student Life, and trained members of the Student Life and Success staff. The council will not convene with less than three members. A student accused of a conduct violation will always have a complete opportunity to be heard. The student will be notified in writing of any action taken by the Student Life Council. Pending civil or criminal proceedings does not deter the University from proceeding with its own internal hearings.

Prior conduct records are considered in administering sanctions following a determination of guilt for violating a University policy. The administration of sanctions may also originate through the Office of Residence Life, or other offices of the University, following a full and thorough discussion of any incident that is reported. The appropriate University official will meet with the student and written notification of any action taken will be given to the student. It is the responsibility of the University official to inform the Dean of Student Life of any policy violations and resulting sanctions.

Professional staff members of the Office of Residence Life may request that cases normally adjudicated at the Residence Life level be adjudicated through the Office of Student Life because of the sensitivity or degree of severity of the case.

An accused student may request an appeal of any action taken by an adjudicating body to the University Judicial Council. (See the Judicial Council procedures that follow.)

Students wishing to be considered for an appeal must make the request to the Dean of Students within five academic days of being notified orally of the original decision.

Appeals of sanctions must be based on one or more of the following:

  1. new evidence not available at the time of the hearing
  2. procedural error that had a detrimental effect on the outcome of the hearing
  3. inappropriate sanction relative to the charges

Other Conduct Procedures

The Dean of Student Life, in consultation with the Associate Vice President of Student Life and Academic Success, retains the right and responsibility to separate a student from the University when the health, safety, or well-being of members of the University community are threatened, or, when behavior is such that it causes a significant disruption to the educational environment. This may include, but is not limited to, situations in which a student is a danger to others or engages in any behavior that threatens or could cause bodily harm to others and situations in which a student poses an imminent threat of disruption to, or interference with, the normal operation of the University. A separated student's eligibility for the continuation of his/her status and residency will be dependent upon his/ her subsequent behavior and the presence of any renewed threat of harm or disruption. See Appendix D for more information.

During periods of low occupancy, conduct cases will be heard by the Dean of Student Life and/or her designees. Students involved in incidents during final exams will be dealt with as swiftly as possible. As a result of the shortened time period available during the final examination period, written notification of the hearing time, place, and charges may be waived by the Student Life and Academic Success Hearing Officer.


If a student accused of misconduct withdraws from the University prior to a pending adjudication, the misconduct hearing will still proceed.


*The following are minimum sanctions. Violator may be subject to additional sanctions at the discretion of the Dean of Student Life or the Student Life Council.

  1. Official Reprimand: In instances of less serious deviation from the University norms of conduct the student is formally warned regarding the misconduct. The student is also notified that the consequences of such continued behavior could result in more serious disciplinary action.
  2. Disciplinary Probation: This action is a formal admonition on behalf of the University and is intended to clearly document to a student that his/her behavior has been deemed unacceptable. This action requires that students demonstrate, during a stipulated period of time, they are capable of functioning in such a way so as not to be in conflict with standards of behavior expected of students at Wilkes. Disciplinary probation alerts the students involved, and all concerned, that further conduct may result in curtailment of activities or suspension of residential and academic privileges.
  3. Denial of Privileges: This penalty precludes the student's participation in specified activities (e.g., student offices, student activities, use of University facilities or access to University facilities) for a period of time.
  4. Restitution/Penalty Charges: Charges will be assessed where restitution is due for damage to University or student property or property of an agent outside of the University. The charges assessed will be equal to the value of the property and any incurred labor charges. Charges will be paid to the Bursar's Office, 32 W. South St.
  5. Residential Weekend Suspension: Residential students may be required to vacate their assigned residence hall space if deemed appropriate. The student would not be allowed in the residence hall from 5 pm on Friday to 8 pm on Sunday for a determined amount of time.
  6. Residential Suspension and Expulsion: Any student who has been suspended/expelled from the residence halls may not enter any University-owned residence halls without the express permission of the Dean of Student Life.
  7. Deferred Suspension: This action is invoked in severe cases that might generally call for suspension, but consideration of mitigating circumstances warrants the student not be suspended at this time. If this sanction is invoked, it is understood that any further violation of University policy, even of a minor nature, could call for suspension from the University. A student who has been given a deferred suspension from the University may, at the discretion of the Student Life Council, be restricted from representing the University in any official capacity.
  8. Interim Suspension: The Dean of Student Life, with the advice and consent of the Associate Vice President of Student Life and Success may call for an interim suspension of a student while a judicial case is pending. In such cases, the interim suspension is based on the determination of the health, safety, welfare, and well-being of the University community is at risk. During this period of interim suspension, the student is not permitted on campus until the date of the Student Life Council hearing. This hearing will occur as quickly as reasonably possible following the invoking of the interim suspension.
  9. Disciplinary Suspension: This penalty involves the involuntary separation of the student from the University for a specified period of time. It is invoked when a student, as a result of his/her actions, has forfeited the privilege of attending the University. Suspension from the University may range for a period of time up to 2 years, including summer sessions and inter-sessions. Students who have been suspended may be required to meet certain conditions during the period of their suspension and must submit a letter to the Dean of Student Life requesting readmission to the University. Students who have been suspended may not attend classes, be on University property, or participate in University-sponsored functions on or off campus during the period of suspension. Any exceptions require the explicit approval of the Dean of Student Life.
  10. Indefinite Suspension: This sanction suspends the student from the University for a period of more than two years.
  11. Disciplinary Dismissal: This action is one of involuntary separation of the student from the University and is permanent. It is the most severe disciplinary sanction imposed by the University.
  12. Group Action: Disciplinary action may be invoked against groups as the situation warrants.
  13. Off-Campus Offenses: The University may implement disciplinary action when a ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app student violates rules and regulations at another college or university or in the community.
  14. Counseling Intervention: Counseling may be recommended, and in some cases required, when behavior indicates it may be beneficial to the student. Specific circumstances will determine an appropriate mental health service referral, which may include drug, alcohol and other educational services.
  15. Involuntary Leaves and Withdrawals: The Campus Counseling director, with the Office of Student Life and Success, may determine that a leave of absence, withdrawal, or exception to the academic or residential regulation based on behavioral factors is warranted if it would be in the best interest of the University. This action may be taken if, in the opinion of either a counselor or the Director, a student exhibits behavior that creates a significant disruption or clear and present danger to the physical or mental health of students or others in the community. This mandatory leave or withdrawal will be processed through the Office of Student Life and Success and is subject to administrative appeal to the Associate Vice President of Student Life and Success. The campus counselor will typically also be involved in the readmission of any student who is granted or placed on an involuntary leave or withdrawal.
  16. Educational Sanctions: These are sessions meant to educate the student regarding the violation so as not to have a repeat offense in the future. They will be imposed in addition to other sanctions and may include, for example, a Choices alcohol education class, a session with Wyoming Valley Alcohol and Drug Services. Choices is a one-hour class facilitated by our campus counselors. The WVAD session is a 3-hour session held on campus and facilitated by a staff member from WVAD. Both are scheduled regularly in the semester and students will be informed of upcoming dates for session.

These sanctions are not the only sanctions that may be levied, but are the most commonly invoked. All sanctions are communicated in writing to the student. Copies of disciplinary letters are maintained by the Student Life and Success Office. If a student withdraws or is suspended or dismissed for disciplinary reasons, the disciplinary letters are maintained for an indefinite period of time depending on the circumstances.

Sanctions are not noted on official or unofficial transcripts. An exception is made to this only in cases involving severe infractions of an academic nature such as, but not limited to, academic fraud.

Judicial Council

Contact: Philip Ruthkosky, Ph.D., Dean of Student Success

In order to establish an internal review at the university level that provides an opportunity for students charged with violations of University policies, as set forth in guidelines for student conduct, the University Judicial Council (UJC) was established.


Where sanctions have been administered by an agent of the institution having original jurisdiction to hear and decide questions of student conduct that run counter to the guidelines set forth in the Student Handbook, it is the responsibility of the Judicial Council to review cases upon appeal if it meets one of the following criteria:

  • new evidence relative to the original outcome
  • procedural error by the original adjudicating agent (or group) that had a detrimental effect on the outcome of the hearing
  • inappropriate sanction based on the policy violation

If an appeal is successful the UJC will require a new hearing or examination of the case by the original adjudicating body, or a new adjudicating body, and that outcome is final.


A student must request a review of his/her case within five academic days of oral notification to the student of the initial adjudicating body's decision (). The Dean of Student Success and another member of the UJC will review the student's reason(s) to request an appeal along with any relevant documentation involving the original decision. An appeal will be granted only if there appears to be: new evidence of significance relative to the original outcome; procedural error in the original hearing that was detrimental to the outcome; or an inappropriate sanction relative to the policy violation. The alleged violator will be notified within ten academic days of the request of a decision to grant an appeal.

If an appeal is granted, the UJC must give written notice to all parties concerned of the nature of the appeal and the date and time of the appeals session. All appeals sessions will be held within ten academic days of the approval to grant an appeal.

The UJC will ask the alleged violator to provide a detailed, written statement, describing his/her position relative to the case. The charging party will provide rationale for making the initial decision in the original conduct notification. Upon request from the UJC, the charging party will provide any documentation relevant to the case. The alleged violator will have the opportunity to review supporting documentation, prior to submitting his/her statement.

The Council will not hold any regular or special sessions without at least four members present of which there shall be at least one member of the faculty, Student Life and Success staff, and the student body. Notification of the decision of the Judicial Council is sent to the Dean of Student Success and to the alleged violator.

All sessions of the Council, in its discretion, are closed. The Council has the power to govern its own internal proceedings and establish its procedures. Decisions of the Council are final.


The University Judicial Council (UJC) consists of seven judges. The judges of the UJC are appointed by the President of the University (or designee) in the following manner:

  1. Faculty members: Two members of the faculty are appointed from a panel of nominees recommended by the faculty.
  2. Student Life and Success staff members: Three members of the Student Life and Success staff (one being the Dean of Student Success) are appointed by the Associate Vice-President of Student Life and Success.
  3. Student members: Two members of the student body are appointed by the Dean of Student Success.

Terms of original appointment for all UJC judges and the clerk are for one academic year, but are eligible for reappointment.

All student judges and the clerk must meet the following requirements:

  1. Be a full-time student (as defined in the University Bulletin) who has achieved a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00.
  2. Achieved a class standing of at least sophomore for the year in which he/she is to serve.
  3. No student judge, or clerk, can be a member of the Resident Assistant staff.

The following reasons are grounds for immediate removal by the Council (UJC) of one of its members:

  1. Dismissal from the University
  2. Academic or disciplinary probation
  3. Failure to perform Council (UJC) responsibilities as determined by a majority of the Council.

A member who wishes to resign from the UJC will submit a letter of resignation to the chairperson of the UJC and the President of the University. In the event of a removal or resignation of any member from the UJC, the President of the University (or designee) will fill the vacancy by appointment from the relevant panel previously submitted.

Judicial Council Calendar

The Council convenes during the first month of the academic year and thereafter as required in accordance with its procedures. At its initial meeting the Council elects a chairperson. The Council does not convene beyond the traditional academic year (fall and spring semesters). During the summer, all discipline cases may be appealed to the Dean of Student Success or designees.

Civil Authorities

Students should be aware that local, state and federal law enforcement officials have legal access to campus at all times. When these authorities have reason to believe the law is being violated on campus, or if their investigation requires a visit to campus, they may proceed to take appropriate action on their own initiative, without the prior request or approval of the University. In the course of such investigations, the University will cooperate with the authorities and strive to ensure that there will be minimal disruption to the learning and living environment.

Students are responsible for their behavior on and off campus, therefore, students involved with interactions with law enforcement may be subject to disciplinary action through the University in addition to any fines or penalties they face from law enforcement.

Grievance Policy / Internal Complaint Procedure

The purpose of this policy is to serve as a guide for students who wish to file a complaint about any aspect of ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app's operations/policies/procedures or about the actions of any student, visitor, or employee of ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app. This policy is to be implemented only when dealing with circumstances not covered by existing academic or student conduct procedures.

Procedures and Guidelines

  1. Complaints, other than those being filed against persons, should be directed, in writing, to the appropriate Administrator (e.g. Director, Dean, Department Chair, Faculty Member). It is the responsibility of that person to address the situation and, if possible, see that it is corrected. This must be done within a reasonable amount of time which will of course, depend upon what must be done to rectify the situation. The Administrator (Director/Dean/Department Chair/Faculty Member) should inform the student in writing of the measures that were taken or are being taken to address the issue. If a student does not receive a response from the Administrator within two weeks from the date of originally filing the complaint, the student may then bring the complaint to the appropriate Vice President or the Provost.
  2. Complaints being filed against a person, should be directed, in writing, to that person's immediate supervisor. If it is an anti-harassment complaint the procedures, outlined in the Anti-Harassment Policy should be followed. If the complaint is not one of anti-harassment, then it is the responsibility of the supervisor to address the issue with the respondent. The supervisor must inform the student of the measures that were taken or are being taken to address the issue. If the student does not receive a response from the supervisor within two weeks from the date of originally filing the complaint, the student may then bring the complaint to the appropriate Vice President or Provost.
  3. All documentation regarding a complaint, as well as its disposition, must be securely stored in the office of the person who received the complaint and acted upon it. These records must be maintained for a period of six (6) years from the date final action was taken on said complaint.

In all instances of a student filing a complaint, the student must be assured in writing that no adverse action will be taken against the student for filing a complaint.

If a student feels that a response to a complaint is unacceptable and/or unreasonable, the student may bring the complaint to the immediate supervisor of the person who initially acted in response to the matter. If a student does not receive a response from that supervisor within two weeks from the date of originally filing the complaint with that person, the student may then bring the complaint to the appropriate Vice President or Provost.

Sexual Misconduct

Contact: Elizabeth Leo, Title IX Coordinator

Sexual misconduct in any form will not be tolerated at Wilkes. The University has in place: programs to educate the campus community regarding prevention and issues surrounding sexual misconduct; training programs for staff and faculty to provide student victims with direction for assistance; conduct policies and procedures to adjudicate cases involving sexual misconduct; and, most importantly, support systems for victims.

As a recipient of Federal funds, the university is required to comply with Title IX of the Higher Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities. Sexual misconduct, as defined in this policy, is a form of sexual discrimination prohibited by Title IX.

The complete Sexual Misconduct Policy can be found in Appendix C.

Behavioral Threat Assessment Procedures

Contact: Mark Allen, Ph.D., Associate Vice President for Student Life and Success

ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app strives to maintain an environment that is safe from any kind of threats to the community. This requires a proactive community approach to behavioral threat assessment. If you feel that a member of the campus community (student, staff, or faculty) presents behavior or language that appears threatening to the health and safety of himself/herself or others you should do the following:

  • If the threat is imminent call 911 followed up by a call to Public Safety (ext. 4999). (example – you see a campus community member walking on the campus with a weapon)
  • If you are uncertain about the immediacy of the threat contact Public Safety. (example – a campus community member tells you that he saw another campus community member with a weapon)
  • If the threat is viewed as less than imminent please contact Mark Allen, Associate Vice-president for Student Life and Success (570) 408-4100, who serves as the University's Point of Contact for the Behavioral Intervention Team. (example – a campus community member writes on his/her social media site that he/she would like to do harm to another community member)
  • If you wish to report threatening behavior and want to remain anonymous, you can call the CARE line (570-408-2273).

Behavioral Threat Assessment Process

When a potential threat is reported to the Point of Contact (Associate Vice-President for Student Life and Success), he will determine the level of urgency and either refer the problem to the appropriate University professionals to resolve (non-urgent) or assemble the Behavioral Intervention Team (members include: Director of Public Safety; Campus Counselor; and one of the following based on the nature of the threat: Provost (faculty); functional Vice-President (staff); or Student Life and Success representative (students). Other professionals may be included depending on the nature of the potential threat. The Behavioral Intervention Team will gather enough information to make an informed and timely decision to resolve the potential threat. Anyone who reports a potential threat will receive follow up information from the Point of Contact.

Once the potential threat has been assessed the appropriate action will be taken guided by University policy (i.e. – emergency action plan, student discipline process, involuntary suspension policy, etc.).

The Behavioral Threat Assessment Process is in place to proactively intervene before concerning behavior poses a real threat to the campus community. For it to be effective all campus community members should error on the side of caution and report concerns to the appropriate campus resources.

Sportsmanlike Conduct

Contact: Scott Musa, Athletic Director

As a member of the Landmark Conference, ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥appsupports its statement on Sportsmanlike Conduct as is stated within the .

Spectator Conduct

ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app, the Landmark Conference, the Middle Atlantic Conference, and NCAA promote good sportsmanship by student-athletes, coaches, and fans. ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥apppromotes a family friendly environment and expects everyone in attendance to support the participants and officials in a positive manner. Profane, racial, or sexist or gender-related comments, or other intimidating actions directed towards a student-athlete, team, coaches, officials, team representatives, or other fans or the use of alcohol, tobacco or drugs will not be tolerated and are grounds for removal from the site of competition.

The Student Life and Success staff endorses and supports the policies and statements of the Department of Athletics regarding athletics, athletic participation, and student-athletes.

Restricted Areas

The press box intended use is for assigned game staff only. No one has access to the press box without prior authorization.

Fans who stand behind goal cages, too close to team bench areas and score tables or block entrances will be asked to move away from these areas and find seating in the bleachers or be requested to leave the site of competition.

If a game official suspends play because of fan disturbance, the individual(s) will be escorted from the venue by a site supervisor and/or a University police department officer.

Indoor Venue Tailgating

Tailgating is strictly prohibited at all indoor venues.

Outdoor Venue Tailgating

Visiting teams must contact the ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥apphead coach 24 – 48 hours in advance of the contest to request a space to tailgate inside the Ralston Athletic Complex. Please refer to the for the athletic staff contact information.

The site supervisor, the ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app police department and the Edwardsville police department will enforce the tailgating policy guidelines.

  • No Alcoholic Beverages
  • No Pets
  • No Campers, Trailers or Oversized Vehicles
  • Vehicles must be parked in designated spaces and not infringe on a second parking space to ensure clear access for ambulance and emergency vehicles
  • Music will be played at a volume that is not disruptive to athletic contests or individuals in the immediate vicinity
  • Tailgaters are responsible for the removal of trash from their tailgate site
  • Tailgaters must vacate the Ralston Athletic Complex no later than one and a half hours after the completion of the athletic contest
  • Tailgaters do not have access to the Munson Field House

For access to emergency text messages and to report problems, please download the ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥appShield app on iTunes or Google Play. This is a free service provided by the ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app Police Department.

Game Coverage

When feasible, the Wilkes’ Sports Information staff will Live Stream and/or provide live statistics for home events on the .

Munson Field House

The Munson Field House is reserved exclusively for teams, officials and support personnel. Spectators do not have access to the Munson Field House at any time before, during or after the contest.

Animals at the Ralston Field Athletic Complex and Artillery Park

Animals not aiding individuals with disabilities are prohibited from ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥appindoor venues and outdoor venues. Individuals who bring animals to athletic events in violation of this policy, even when the animal is restrained, will be required to remove the animal from the premises immediately.

ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app is concerned with providing a welcoming environment for everyone who visits the Ralston Field Athletic Complex and the Marts Center. To protect the health and safety of our community members, animals not aiding individuals with disabilities are prohibited from the Ralston Field Athletic Complex. Individuals who bring animals to either outdoor or indoor athletic venues are in violation of this policy, even when the animal is restrained and will be required to remove the animal from venue immediately.

Damage to property that is the direct result of a pet or animal will be the sole responsibility of the owner of the animal.

Physical Violence

ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥appconsiders fighting as a very serious infraction of regulations as well as intolerable behavior. We exist as a component of society that is dedicated to the resolution of problems in an orderly, civil, and communicative manner.

Violence, threats of physical violence, physical intimidation or to cause injury to another are strictly prohibited and have no role in our community. To physically attack another with violence will not be tolerated in our community and will call for severe penalties.

Anti-Hazing Policy

ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app does not condone hazing of any kind. Hazing, as defined by Pennsylvania State Law is as follows:

Any action or situation which recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student or which willfully destroys or removes public or private property for the purpose of initiation or admission into or affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in, any organization operating under the sanction of or recognized as an organization by an institution of higher education. The term shall include, but not be limited to, any brutality of a physical nature, such as whipping, beating, branding, forced calisthenics, exposure to the elements, forced consumption of any food, liquor, drug or other substance, or any other forced physical activity which could adversely affect the physical health and safety of the individual, and shall include any activity which would subject the individual to extreme mental stress, such as sleep deprivation, forced exclusion from social contact, forced conduct which could result in extreme embarrassment, or any other forced activity which could adversely affect the mental health or dignity of the individual, or any willful destruction or removal of public or private property. For purposes of this definition, any activity as described in this definition upon which the initiation or admission into or affiliation with or continued membership in an organization is directly or indirectly conditioned shall be presumed to be "forced" activity, the willingness of an individual to participate in such activity notwithstanding.

This policy applies to all University organizations, groups and individuals and is equally applicable on and off campus.

Any alleged act of hazing brought to the attention of University officials will be fully investigated and those individuals and/or groups accused will be brought before the University's Student Affairs Cabinet for adjudication.

Anyone found in violation of the Hazing Policy will be subject to disciplinary action.

The severity of the sanctions will depend on the circumstances surrounding the violation. Disciplinary action by the University will be in addition to any penalties impose by civil authorities for violations of state law.

Protest and Dissent

As an institution dedicated to the education of all peoples, ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app recognizes and understands that conflicting points of view and differences of opinion are inevitable. We support the freedom of all to express their points of view and to disagree and dissent. It should be clearly understood, however, that such demonstrations can in no way interfere with the normal educative mission of the University. Freedom of entrance and egress to facilities and buildings must be maintained, and all members of the University community must be granted the opportunity to accomplish the purpose (1) for which they were hired by the University or (2) for which they enrolled at the University.

University Vehicles Policy

The use of University-owned vans and vehicles is subject to regulations as established by the Associate Vice President for Student Life and Success. Specific regulations are kept at University Police, where reservations for the University vans may be made. Preference for use of the vans is given to Intercollegiate Athletic Teams. Student Government maintains four minivans for use by student organizations. Reservations are made through the Office of Student Development.

Students, staff and faculty must be approved drivers to operate any University vehicle (refer to regulations kept at University Police). A list of all passengers traveling in each van must be maintained in the log at the Office of University Police.

Use of ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app shuttles must be approved by the Chief of Univeristy Police. All shuttle drivers must have a CDL license. Any use of the shuttles without a CDL operator is prohibited.

Public Performances of Film and Electronic Media

Contact: Phil Ruthkosky, Ph.D., Dean of Student Success

ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app proactively supports copyright protections and advises the campus community to become familiar with the salient provisions of the copyright laws.

According to the Federal Copyright Act (Title 17 of the United States Code), it is illegal to show any commercial film or television show in a public setting without a license, unless such works are public domain. A public setting is defined as "any place where a substantial number of persons outside of a normal circle of a family and its social acquaintances are gathered" (section 101). This rule applies even if the showing is: a) educational in nature, b) free of admission, or c) limited to a certain group of students, such as members of a club, organization or residence hall.

The only exception would be a "performance or display of a work by a faculty member in the course of face-to-face teaching activities.... in a classroom or similar place devoted to instruction" (section 110). The faculty member may show the film outside of the normal class hours, however, it is only to be viewed by those registered for the course. In order to invite others, the public viewing rights must be secured.

ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app regards any space outside of an individual student's residence hall room as a public place on campus. Prior to receiving permission to use any public place on campus to screen a film or television show, members of the campus community must present a copy of a public performance license (or other written permission from the copyright holder) to the Office of Student Affairs (2nd floor, Passan Hall) or the Office of Student Development (1st floor, Henry Student Center).

There are two major firms that handle public performance licenses on college campuses:

The website for each organization provides the appropriate contact information.

For more information on Title 17, please visit the .

If you have any questions regarding campus policy and copyright law and the public viewing of film/electronic media please call the Office of Student Development at 408-4108.

Alcohol and Drug Issues

Contact: Mark Allen, PhD, AssociateVice President of Student Life and Success

Drug-Free Schools and Communities Public Law 101-226

University regulations have consistently supported and recognized the concerns expressed in recent legislation regarding Drug Free Campuses and work places. Alcohol abuse and the use of illicit substances and drugs constitute obvious hazards to health, safety, and well-being and destroy one's ability to function in a productive and contributory fashion. Policies have been developed and adopted by the University that strictly prohibit the use, possession and/or supplying of illicit substances not only on our property, but in the larger community as well.

University regulations regarding alcohol stand to preserve the legal and responsible use of this substance on or off campus and at events sponsored by the University. Noncompliance with these regulations will most certainly result in disciplinary procedures being instituted in an effort to protect the health, safety, and well-being of all members of the community, as well as the violator of the regulations. The University is not a sanctuary from the law and will cooperate fully with law enforcement agencies in support of these regulations.

Local Laws

Any student found to be in violation of city, Commonwealth, or University regulations regarding alcohol may be required to participate in a program of Alcohol Education and will be subject to a monetary fine. Revenues from this source will be utilized to support alcohol and drug information/education and activities. Referrals may be made to local rehabilitation programs. Additional disciplinary sanctions will be imposed as appropriate.

Members of the University community are especially reminded that the laws of Pennsylvania pertaining to alcoholic beverages are applicable to the campus and, as such, the responsibility for observance of the laws of Pennsylvania remains with each individual. The University will not serve as a sanctuary from the law.

The Pennsylvania Liquor and Penal Code states:

  1. All persons, while in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are subject to Pennsylvania Liquor and Penal Code.
  2. It shall be unlawful for a person less than 21 years of age to attempt to purchase, consume, possess, or transport any alcohol or malt or brewed beverages within this Commonwealth.
  3. It is unlawful to sell or furnish alcoholic beverages of any kind to persons under 21 years of age. No person under 21 years of age may pass assessments that will be used in whole or in part for the purchase of alcoholic beverages.
  4. It is a misdemeanor to lawfully transfer a registration card for the purpose of falsifying age to secure alcoholic or malt beverages.
  5. It is unlawful to misrepresent one's age to obtain alcoholic beverages or to represent to a liquor dealer that a minor is of age.

The University expects that all members of the University community be aware of these laws and of their responsibility for compliance with them. Members of the Students Affairs staff will, as a matter of routine, notify parents of students whose health or safety is endangered.

This includes, but is not limited to situations involving substance abuse.

Students should be aware of the following Wilkes-Barre city ordinances:

Section 1: Purchase, consumption, and possession or transportation of intoxicating beverages

A. A person commits an offense if he or she attempts to purchase, purchases, consumes, possess, or transports any alcohol, liquor or malt or brewed beverages within the confines of the parks, recreation areas, or conservation areas within the limits of the City of Wilkes-Barre.

B. A person commits an offense if he or she openly consumes any alcohol, liquor, or malt or brewed beverages on any public thoroughfare within the limits of the City of Wilkes-Barre.

Section 2: Posted Park Rules and Regulations

A person commits an offense if he/she violates any of the rules and regulations, as the same are posted in each of the parks, recreation areas, or conservation areas within the limits of the City of Wilkes-Barre.

Section 3: Penalty for Violation

Any person violating any of the provision of this ordinance shall, upon summary conviction thereof in a summary proceeding before a magistrate, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $25 and not more than $300, and costs. In default of the payment of such fines and costs, such person shall be imprisoned in the county jail for a period not exceeding 90 days. Each and every day upon which any person violates or continues to violate the provisions of this ordinance shall constitute a separate offense.

1. Anyone under the age of 21 who attempts to purchase, purchases, transports, or possess alcoholic beverages faces a fine of $25 to $300. Additionally, there is a mandatory suspension of a driver's license for a period of 90 days on the first offense, one year for a second offense, and two years for every offense thereafter.

2. It is a misdemeanor of the third degree and calls for a mandatory $1000 fine for anyone who knowingly and intentionally sells or furnishes alcohol to someone under 21 years of age.

Assistance With Alcohol/Drug Abuse Problems

The University supports the efforts of rehabilitation programs and will refer members of the community to appropriate rehabilitation programs. Such referrals may be part of disciplinary sanctions imposed.

Sources of drug and alcohol counseling are readily available on campus through the University Health and Wellness Services Office. Resources for assistance are designed to provide counseling, treatment, and rehabilitation that will assist a return to full health.

Referrals made to rehabilitation facilities must be kept confidential in the interest of the person seeking rehabilitation for problems with drug and alcohol abuse. Sources for referrals include the aforementioned offices, as well as the Residence Life Office and the Student Affairs Office. Community agencies knowledgeable in the area of substance abuse are located near the University campus. Meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous are held daily at locations within easy walking distance of the campus.

Alcoholic Beverage Policy

The goals of the ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app Alcohol Policy include protection of health and safety of students, the preservation of an environment conducive to scholarship, as well as positive social interaction, the protection of personal and University property, and the prevention of abusive behaviors related to alcohol consumption.

ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app does not encourage the use of alcoholic beverages by students. The University respects the rights of individuals who are 21 years old who decide to use alcoholic beverages, but is greatly concerned about the misuse and abuse of alcohol. Students of legal age who choose to drink must drink responsibly. Those under 21 years of age are not permitted to consume, possess or be in the presence of alcohol under any circumstances on University property or at any University event.*

* At university events where the participants are of mixed age, those of legal drinking age are visibly identified (i.e. by bracelets). The event must be approved by the Office of Student Affairs.

University Regulations Regarding Alcohol

Alcoholic beverages are prohibited outdoors on University property, including, but not limited to, Ralston Field and all campus playing fields and parking lots. They are prohibited also in all academic and administrative buildings, the Marts Center, Munson Field House and the Student Center. Exceptions to the above may only be made by the Office of Student Life and Success.

Students who are under 21 must be identifiable by bracelet or some other means. Students of legal age are permitted the use of alcohol within the confines of their room or the rooms of other students of legal age. Within the residence halls, alcohol use is not permitted by anyone in common areas (i.e. lounges, hallways, studies, kitchens, etc.). The University prohibits common supplies of alcoholic beverages. This includes any size keg (full, partially full, or empty), open punch bowls, or any common source from which alcoholic beverages may be served. The possession or consumption of grain alcohol is prohibited.

Those students of legal age may possess only reasonable quantities of alcohol for their own personal use. Students 21 years of age or older may bring a maximum of one case of beer (not to exceed a case of 12 oz. or 16 oz. containers), or one gallon of wine, or one case of wine coolers, or one fifth of distilled alcohol into college-owned housing. However, a room or living unit (i.e. apartment) may not have a quantity of alcohol in excess of the limit listed above. An excess of the established limit would be considered a large quantity and reason for disciplinary action. Decisions of this nature will be the judgment of the Residence Life Judicial Board. High content alcohol/caffeine (combined) beverages are prohibited from the residence halls.

The University recognizes the legal ability of those who are 21 years of age and over to consume alcohol. However, possessing alcoholic beverages in one's room allows underage roommates and guests access to a substance that is illegal for them to have. This places legal-age students in the role of providing alcohol to a minor, which is a more serious offense. However, students under the age of 21 may still be held responsible for supplying alcohol to other minors. Residents will be held responsible for any violations of this nature that occur in their room.

Students who maintain residence off campus are reminded of their responsibilities regarding the laws of the Commonwealth. Parties sponsored by independently maintained apartments off campus must comply with Commonwealth laws and local ordinances. If an incident is reported to the University that occurred off campus, it will be dealt with through the Office of Student Affairs.

When official University social functions are held off campus, the price for admission may not include the costs of any alcoholic beverages. The single exception to this regulation is the President's Dinner Dance for Graduates. The University, as a matter of routine, writes to the management of hotels where off-campus events are held, reminding them of their legal responsibilities regarding the serving of alcoholic beverages. Similarly, the University supports hotel management regulations regarding compliance with the law and will fully cooperate with the hotel management staff in the discharge of responsibilities. No club or organization may enter into an agreement with an establishment serving alcohol to receive donations from that establishment as a means of promoting business.

Alcohol and Guests

Residents are responsible for their guests at all times. This includes the use of alcohol. If guests to ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app are found in violation of the alcohol policy, their hosts are responsible for the sanctions resulting from the violation. Students who have guests on campus or in University buildings are responsible for advising them of the Pennsylvania laws and University policies pertaining to alcoholic beverages.


A member of the ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app community who fears direct or immediate threat to the health or safety of an alcohol or drug-impaired individual should alert the Student Life on-call person, a Resident Assistant, University Police or professional medical assistance. For their part in aiding the impaired individual,they will not be subject to formal University discipline for the occasion on which he or she gave assistance. This refers to isolated incidents only and does not excuse or protect those who flagrantly or repeatedly violate this policy.

Those who receive medical attention in these circumstances due to abuse of alcohol or illegal drugs will be immune from University disciplinary action concerning abuse for the initial offense. They will, however, be referred for alcohol education and to the Counseling Center. The counselor will determine if further treatment is necessary. Failure to comply with the evaluation or treatment recommendations will result in full disciplinary action for the original violation.


Intoxication is not an excuse for irresponsible behavior and students will be held accountable for their behavior at all times. Students who demonstrate inappropriate, irresponsible behavior as a result of drinking will be subject to disciplinary action. These behaviors may include, but are not limited to, slurred speech, erratic behavior, or difficulty with physical coordination.

The sanctions imposed may range from an official reprimand to dismissal from the University.

It should be clearly understood that students who demonstrate a lack of responsibility and maturity in the use of alcohol will be required to participate in programs pertaining to alcohol education and/or abuse.

Any behavior resulting from the use of alcoholic beverages that infringes upon the rights or privacy of others will be considered a conduct violation and is subject to sanctioning.

Off-Campus Events

No student who is under 21 years of age may consume alcohol while representing the University on a University-sponsored trip. This includes, but is not limited to, sporting events, educational trips, and student-sponsored trips. Those of legal drinking age should exercise control when representing the University.


In an effort to promote a healthy environment surrounding athletic activities, the University does not condone tailgating of any kind.

University Sanctions for Alcohol Violations

Refer to Chart in Governance Section

Vector Solutions Alcohol/Drug Education

Contact: Melissa Gaudio, Licensed Professional Counselor

Vector Solutions High-Impact Online Training Program is a comprehensive approach to reducing the risk of drug and alcohol abuse and sexual assault prevention among college students. Vector Solutions engages students in effective, evidence-based prevention and gives administrators the data to target, evaluate, and strengthen prevention initiatives. College students make choices every day that affect their academic success and ultimately their success in life. The choices they make about alcohol, drugs, and sexual assault can be among the toughest—and can have the most serious consequences.

“Vector Solutions courses increase awareness, encourage better decision-making, and comply with federal and state legislation.†AlcoholEdu for College is a course that offers alcohol awareness and prevention training for students that includes content about vaping and cannabis. It is a thoughtful, well-informed, and educational program for adults committed to thinking about their life choices. The Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates course is part of this overall program. This Title IX and Clery Act training engages undergraduate students in fostering healthy relationships and preparing them to recognize and respond to sexual assault and harassment when it happens. This Sexual Assault Prevention course empowers individuals to make smart choices and be safe. As part of a more holistic learning experience, we are also incorporating a Mental Well-Being for Students course to round out the three online courses that each incoming first year student is required to take. This course provides information and skills to support the emotional well-being of oneself and others.

Each of the three REQUIRED courses include Pre and Post Surveys, which are offered immediately before and after each course to evaluate attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, and experiences related to the topic. We require every new incoming ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app first year student to take the Vector Solutions Three Course Program within the allotted timeframe including ALCOHOLEDU FOR COLLEGE, SEXUAL ASSAULT PREVENTION FOR UNDERGRADUATES, and MENTAL WELL-BEING FOR STUDENTS.

In addition, it is mandatory that they complete the follow-up survey, which is offered 30 days after each course completion to measure long-term impact. An email is sent to each first year student towards the beginning of August with directions to participate. Failure to complete the ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app required the Vector Solutions program in the specified time frame will be considered an alcohol violation. The resulting penalty is that the student will receive a $200 fine and be placed on disciplinary probation.

Illegal Drugs

The University is opposed to the use of any illicit substances. Additionally, any misuse and/or abuse of prescription or over-the-counter medications will not be tolerated. Any drugs, or drug combination (legal or illegal), deemed by the University to be detrimental to the health and safety of community members are not allowed on campus. This would include, but is not limited to: synthetic cannabinoids (synthetic marijuana), mephedrone (street name "bath salts"), and party powders. Possession of drug paraphernalia is also illegal, particularly when there is evidence of drug use. Students who are charged with possession, use, transfer, or sale of these substances will be subject to disciplinary action that may result in penalty charges, suspension, or dismissal from the University independent of any external legal action.

ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥appis cognizant of the growing problem of drug abuse and is concerned with the complex and serious nature of this problem. For this reason, students found to be involved in supplying drugs for others will be subject to serious disciplinary action. We define "supplying drugs" as meaning procuring and providing substances in any amount, under any conditions.

Although the University respects a student's right to privacy, the University reserves the right to inspect individual rooms at any time, especially for reasons of maintenance, health and safety. Such searches can only be conducted by the Dean of Student Life or delegates.

Any illegal substances that are confiscated will be turned in to the local police. The University will cooperate fully with law enforcement officers as they continue their efforts to halt the use of illicit substances.

University Sanctions for Drug Violations

Refer to the Chart in Governance Section.

Parental/Guardian Notification

If a student is determined to be in violation of the drug or alcohol policy and is under the age of twenty-one a letter will be sent home to the parent/guardian(s) regarding the incident. Any student who receives medical attention due to excessive alcohol or drug use, i.e. is seen by University Health Services, requires a paramedic to respond to the campus, or is transported to the hospital, will also have his/her parent/guardian(s) notified. If hospitalization is necessary, the parents will be contacted.

Tobacco Use/Smoking Policy

Use of tobacco, in any form, is prohibited in all University owned, managed or leased buildings, vehicles, shuttles and vans. The University reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to designate certain areas where smoking is permitted on campus.

Tobacco is defined as all tobacco-derived or containing products, including and not limited to, cigarettes (e.g., clove, bidis, kreteks), electronic cigarettes/vaping, cigars and cigarillos, hookah smoked products, pipes, and oral tobacco (e.g., spit and spitless, smokeless, chew, snus) and nasal tobacco (e.g. snuff). It also includes any product intended to mimic tobacco products, contain tobacco flavoring, or deliver nicotine other than for the purpose of cessation (patch, gum, or inhaler are acceptable).

Anyone smoking tobacco-derived products in outdoor locations on campus must be at least twenty feet from any building door, window, or ventilating system.

Failure to comply with this policy will be considered a conduct violation and violators can be reported to the appropriate personnel (i.e. – an employee's supervisor, Student Life).

Those wishing to participate in a smoking cessation program may contact University Health Services or the Human Resources Office for further information.

Security of University Facilities

Any student who enters a building after the building has been closed; or who remains in a building after hours without authorization; or who fails to leave a building when directed to do so by a University Official will be subject to serious disciplinary action.

The safety and security of all University buildings and the contents of those buildings are the concern of all members of the University community. The unauthorized possession of any key to any University building or office is considered a serious offense and will be subject to disciplinary action.

ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app is considered private property and access to the building and facilities is restricted to those who have justifiable cause for being present.

Trespassing and University Facilities

The University frequently sponsors programs and events that are open to the community. The Chief of University Police, as well as any University official acting in the discharge of their duties, is authorized to request identification from people present on campus and to determine the nature of their purpose for being on campus. If it is determined that a person should not be on campus and refuses to leave University property when requested to do so, ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app Police will be contacted to deal with the situation.

Visitors who violate University regulations, whether they are students or non-students, are subject to restrictions from University-owned buildings.


Contact: Lieutenant Philip Miller

The purpose of the ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app parking system is to expedite the efficient flow of traffic on the campus and to provide parking facilities for students, faculty, staff, and guests.

All ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥appparking lots are regulated by specific locations designated for faculty/staff, commuters, residents, visitor, and disabled parking. All vehicles must be registered with the university to park on any campus lot. Parking permit regulations are in effect throughout the year during normal hours of business (7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.), to include semester breaks.

Parking permit are not required Monday through Friday, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. and on weekends.

The ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app parking system is a self-supporting service receiving no funds from the university budget or student fees. It is, therefore, necessary to apply a system of user service charges to all vehicles operated on university property. Income derived from the sale of parking permits and from the collection of monetary penalties assessed under the parking regulations is used for the administration, maintenance and improvement of parking facilities.

The University reserves the right to temporarily close all or part of any campus parking area for special events and/or maintenance. Amendments to the parking rules and regulations will be announced on ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥appToday. Any such changes shall not be cause for appeal of illegal parking.

At no time will the employees of the Department of Public Safety be subject to verbal or physical abuse, including being threatened, cursed or assaulted in any fashion. Any such abuse will be reported to the appropriate university authorities for disciplinary action and may be subject to a criminal complaint being filed.

Repeated violation(s) of University parking policy may result in revocation of the privilege to park on campus and referral to the appropriate university authorities for disciplinary action.

Parking Guidelines

Parking regulations are in effect year round, including semester breaks. These enforcement regulations apply to all persons who operate motor vehicles on ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app property.

It is the vehicle owner's responsibility to read and fully understand the parking regulations. Professing ignorance of them will not be accepted as an excuse to alleviate fines assessed for violations.

The university reserves the right to change any parking regulation. Changes in the regulations will be announced through the campus e-mail system, website, and/or other appropriate media. All vehicles must be removed from lots/areas when designated as reserved for events before the posted time.

A parking permit is not a guarantee of a specific parking space. The driver is responsible for finding an authorized parking space and the lack of a space does not justify illegal parking.


Vehicles parked so as to obstruct roadways, hinder university operations, and/or damage property are subject to being towed at the owner's expense.

Vehicles without the proper permit, unlawfully parked in handicapped spaces without proper permit, revoked parking privileges, or parked in fire lanes are subject to immediate towing at the owner's expense.


Accidents involving motor vehicles on campus should be reported without delay to the University Police Department at (570) 408-4999.


Driving and parking of motor vehicles on university property is to be confined to areas designated for those purposes only.

Parking Meters

ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app does not own or maintain meters on roadways adjacent to campus. It is the responsibility of owners to follow meter instructions. Under certain circumstances, city parking meters may be covered with special events bags. Only those with event parking permits are permitted to use these bagged meters.

Parking Rules and Violations

Vehicles must park in designated parking locations. All lots have specific parking signage. Lot designations may also be found on the planning your visit page and University Police publications.

Parking on the grass, sidewalks, crosswalks, service drives, or loading zones is prohibited.

Yellow curbs and loading zones are not parking spaces. The vehicle may be ticketed and towed if it is left unattended in these areas.

Any area of roadway, including that area within a parking lot which is not specifically marked for parking, loading, or as a Fire Lane, is defined as a driveway. Parking in driveways is prohibited. The fact that other vehicles are parked improperly shall not constitute a defense for parking in violation of the regulations nor for parking outside of lines in an otherwise legal parking lot. The fact that a vehicle, including ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app Service Vehicles, is parked in violation of any rule or regulation and does not receive a citation does not mean that the rule or regulation is no longer in effect. The absence of 'No Parking' signs does not mean that parking is allowed. Parking is not allowed along curbs in parking lots unless marked for parking. Parking is permitted only within marked stalls. Double parking is prohibited at all times. Activated flashers on an illegally parked vehicle do not exempt the vehicle from receiving a parking citation. A vehicle cannot be parked in any space specifically reserved by signage unless the proper permit is displayed. Reserved spaces are reserved 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This includes holidays and times when the University is not in full operation.

Parking Regulations


  • Ralston Field Parking Lot: Vehicles displaying a valid Ralston Field parking permit may use the Ralston Field parking lot.
  • Resident & Commuter Student Permits: The issuance of residential and commuter parking permits is determined by the Department of Public Safety. Applications may be submitted via the online student parking application page. The proper permit for lot assignment must be displayed at all times while parked on campus.

Permit Display

Exceptions must be approved by the Department of Public Safety in advance.

Vehicle Registration

Registered vehicles must display current permits only. The registrant is held responsible for any violation involving the registered vehicle when he/she is operating it or when another individual is using the vehicle. The registration of a vehicle in no way guarantees that a parking space convenient for the individual will be provided. The responsibility for finding a legal parking space rests with the motor vehicle operator. Inability to locate a legal parking space is not an acceptable excuse for violation of these regulations.

Fraudulent Vehicle Registration

Fraudulent registration includes but is not restricted to:

  • Purchasing a permit in another person's name; Registering a vehicle which is to be used by and for a person not authorized such registration; Display or use of a Wilkes University parking permit on a vehicle other than the vehicle registered.
  • The fraudulent registration of a vehicle will be grounds for referral to the Dean of Student Life for disciplinary action. Parking permits are not transferable from one vehicle to another.


Individuals visiting campus during normal business hours (7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.) are required to obtain a daily visitor parking permit. Permits are not required after normal business hours or weekends. Vehicle registration information must be presented at the time of request.

  • Parking spaces are limited and issued on a first-come-first-served basis.
  • The use of visitor parking permits to circumvent campus parking permits is prohibited and subject to disciplinary action being taken against the offender.
  • Off campus metered parking is subject to city regulations.

Unauthorized Use of a Visitor Permit

Faculty, staff, and students are not considered visitors. Altering a visitor permit constitutes fraudulent registration and the appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. Misrepresentation of one's eligibility for permit or altering a visitor's permit is grounds for referral to the appropriate university authorities for disciplinary action. Vehicles parked on campus with an altered permit will be towed at the owner's expense.

Disabled Parking Regulations

Parking spaces designated for disabled parking are reserved for vehicles bearing a disabled permit on a 24-hour basis. A vehicle parked illegally in a space designated for disabled parking will be ticketed and towed without prior notice at the owner's expense.

  • It is a violation to leave standing in a disabled parking space any vehicle not displaying a valid disabled permit.
  • It is a violation for any person not qualifying for the rights and privileges extended to disabled persons to exercise or attempt to exercise such rights or privileges by the unauthorized use of a distinguishing license plate, removable hang tag or temporary removable hang tag; and to park or leave standing any vehicle so as to obstruct a curb ramp or curb cut for disabled persons.

Prohibited Use of Parking Lots

Using campus parking facilities for any purpose other than for what they are intended, for mass distribution or posting of information in the form of flyers, or anything else put on vehicles parked on campus. Use of campus parking areas for any purpose other than normal academic or administrative activities (i.e. changing oil or performing similar maintenance work).

Citation Appeals

University Police Officers or Department staff are not authorized to accept payment of parking citations. Payment of parking citations must be made at the Bursar's Office located at 32 W. South Street (near the intersection of S. Franklin St.)

Appeals for citations may be sent to for consideration.

You may attach any pertinent documentation such as diagrams or photographs of the manner in which you were parked. Supplying fictitious statements or documentation for appeals will be grounds for referral to the appropriate university authorities for disciplinary action.

The following are not considered valid reasons for filing a citation appeal:

The lack of knowledge of the rules and regulations. The inability to locate available space in the correct zone, inability to find a legal space, or inability to park legally due to other vehicles parked illegally. Inclement weather conditions. Tardiness to class or an appointment. The use of emergency flashers to justify illegal parking. Permission to park given by anyone other than a Department of Public Safety employee.

Citations appeals will only be reviewed for citations issued during the current or previous semester.

Appeals not approved by the parking coordinator may be addressed to the Chief of Public Safety for final disposition.

Off-Campus Students and Community Relations

Contact: Ms. Gretchen Yeninas, Dean of Student Life

Some students of junior or senior class standing at the University will elect to move off campus. In doing so, they assume a particular set of responsibilities as they enter the larger community of Wilkes-Barre and its surrounding area. 

To ensure you receive updated information regarding off-campus life, please register your off-campus address.

In a city community the lifestyle of neighbors will vary considerably. ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥appis located in a residential area and respect for the property, privacy, and lifestyle of all the University's neighbors is expected.

It is suggested that all students living in non-university housing should be sure to sign a lease with the landlord. Renter's insurance is highly recommended and may sometimes be available through a family's homeowners policy. Immediately prior to moving in to an apartment or house, take photographs of each room and any problems that are visible. Make a list of those things that need repair and present it to the landlord before you move in. Keep a copy. This procedure is recommended for the protection of the renter.

The University will not be responsible for the condition of non-university buildings or the actions of a landlord. Students are encouraged to see the Dean of Student Life if serious problems arise or if the City of Wilkes-Barre needs to be involved.

The University has established regulations for those living on campus based on safety and respect for others. It is essential, therefore, for students living off campus to create a positive climate of mutual respect for their neighbors. Certainly the foremost of these regulations is that students residing off campus must live in conformity with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the City of Wilkes-Barre. Similarly, conduct by off-campus students or guests visiting their apartments cannot interfere with the reasonable expectations of neighbors.

Off-campus students will, therefore, be expected to behave in such a manner that will afford their neighbors their rights as citizens and will promote positive neighbor/community/University relationships. Noise, littering, parties or other complaints referred to University Police or the Dean of Student Life or a delegate will be referred to the city police for disposition under the laws governing the City of Wilkes-Barre. Just as the University campus cannot be regarded as a sanctuary from the law, students who elect to live off-campus cannot expect immunity from reasonable expectations of their neighbors and/or city ordinances.

Disciplinary action will be taken by the University regarding such complaints independent of criminal or civil action. Second offenses will be considered as very serious violations of University policy.

Students residing in off-campus apartments need to be aware that city and state police may enter a dwelling without a search warrant if they have reason to suspect a crime is being committed. This can pertain to the underage consumption of alcohol. Conduct and noise interfering with the lifestyle of off-campus students' neighbors are unacceptable and will result in sanctions imposed through the usual University disciplinary channels.

Students who elect to live off campus and who become involved in disciplinary matters need to be aware of the limitations of the range of sanctions available to the Student Life Committee. Sanctions may typically include, but are not limited to, Disciplinary Probation, Deferred Suspension and/or removal from representing the University in any official capacity. By electing to live in a more independent setting, students living off-campus also accept the obligation to live by increased variances in lifestyle and awareness of those residing around them.

All students who spend time in the off-campus neighborhoods should behave in a respectful manner. When students return to, or move about the campus in the late evening or early morning hours, students and their guests are expected to do so in a quiet manner so as not to disturb the University community or the neighbors in the area surrounding the campus. Excessive noise, violation of personal or private property, and littering of public areas constitute behavior that is unacceptable. Conduct of this type will not be tolerated, and students who behave in such a manner will be reported by University Police and will be subject to disciplinary action through routine disciplinary channels of the University or through criminal or civil procedures.

Identification Card

ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app provides a photo identification card (University ID card) to all of its eligible employees and students; additionally, University approved contracted personnel will be issued a temporary University ID card. The University ID card will be used to identify all persons affiliated and employed by the University in order to facilitate safety and security; allow the cardholder access to specific areas, services and resources; and provide other privileges as designated by the University and/or its departments. All persons affiliated and employed by the University are required to carry their University ID card at all times. The University ID card is intended to serve as proof of an individual's status with the University. Depending on one's status with the University, access and privileges are restricted based on specific requirements. All eligible employees, students and University approved contracted personnel who have been issued a University ID card or temporary University ID card are required to provide the card when properly requested by an agent of the University. If the person refuses to furnish the University ID card he/she will be removed from the building/ premises and/or subject to disciplinary action. Each University ID card is the property of the University, anyone who alters or intentionally mutilates the University ID card; who uses the University ID card of another; or who allows his/her University ID card to be used by another is subject to disciplinary action.

If a card is lost or stolen it can be replaced. The individual must pay a fee at the Cashier's window between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday — Friday. An ID card will then be created and issued at that time.

ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app's ID Card Center is located at the University Police Department, ground floor, 148 S. Main St. The ID Card Center's operating hours are Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. 

Jury Duty

Persons over 18 years of age may be called to serve on a jury. The University encourages students to accept their responsibility as a citizen and to serve when called. Upon the presentation of proper documentation the Office of Student Affairs will notify a student's faculty members that the student has been summoned for jury duty.

Firearms and Dangerous Weapons

The possession or use of firearms, deadly weapons, or explosives or explosive substances on University property by unauthorized persons is strictly forbidden. CO2 and spring-propelled guns are also prohibited.

Those who have a permit to carry a concealed firearm may not bring the firearm on campus or to University sponsored events held off campus. Only authorized law enforcement personnel may possess a firearm while on University property.


Gambling on University property is not permitted. Any individual or campus organization wishing to hold an event requiring clarification on the definition of gambling should consult the Office of Student Development or the Office of Student Life and Success.

Hover Boards

The possession, use, and storage of hover boards and electric self-balancing scooters is prohibited on ALL University property (including University shuttles and vehicles).


Due to a severe allergy that could lead to death, latex is prohibited on campus. This includes balloons, gloves and condoms.


Campus organizations may not hold raffles on or off campus. Any request for an exception to this policy should be made to the Office of Student Life and Success.


Because of the support given to the University by community business firms in the annual campaign, students and student groups are not permitted to solicit contributions from off campus organizations. Only those campus publications that are authorized to do so may seek advertising for the respective publications. Any exception to this policy must be made by the Office of Advancement.

Off-campus individuals and organizations are not allowed to solicit on the campus. Exceptions to this stated policy must be approved by the Office of Student Life and Success.

Use of University Identity

The University name, seal and logotype must not be used in any announcement, advertising matter, publication, correspondence or report in connection with personal or unofficial activities of faculty member, staff or students if such use could in any way be construed as implying endorsement of any project product or service. Any external use of the University identity must be approved through the Marketing Communications Office.

Campus Attire

Dress standards on the campus, in the classroom, in the library, in the dining facilities, in campus offices and at social events should at all times be acceptable and appropriate for the occasion and location.

Concern for one another indicates the necessity for clothing that is neat and clean. Shoes and shirts must be worn in all administrative and academic areas and where food is being prepared, handled or served.

Any club, organization, athletic team or teams gathered for special events who wish to have apparel with a design or logo imprinted on the material must obtain permission for the logo or design. Such approval will be granted through the Office of Student Development. Designs and logos must conform to commonly established standards of good taste. Lewd, obscene, vulgar, intimidating, ridiculing, threatening or demeaning symbols and/or statements are not acceptable on apparel that represents the University or University-sponsored events. Every aspect of University life is to be free from discrimination on the basis of race, religion, gender, ethnic or national origin, age, disability or sexual orientation or preference. Discrimination cannot occur in our community through word, action or visual presentation.

Change of Address or Name

Students are to submit any change of address or name to the Registrar's Office online form or at Capin Hall, 165 S. Franklin St. This information is extremely important in case of family emergencies and ensures that University correspondence is directed to the correct address.

Safety Precautions

Students are never permitted on the roof of any University building. This regulation is a matter of students' safety and is further regulated by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania safety regulations and the University's insurance carrier.

If it is necessary to retrieve a lost item from the roof of any building, maintenance should be called for assistance.

The removal of window screens is prohibited. Dropping or throwing objects, solid or liquid, from windows of any University building is prohibited.

Alteration, tampering with, or tapping into TV cable, telephone lines, or computer lines is prohibited. Tampering with elevators is prohibited.

Safety concerns and insurance regulations do not allow rollerblades to be used in any academic, administrative or residence hall facilities of the University. Similarly, bicycles may not be taken into classroom or administrative buildings.

Fire Alarm Systems

All University buildings are equipped with local "in-house" fire alarm systems. These systems alert the Public Safety Office.

If an alarm is sounded in a building, people in that building should vacate the building using the closest available exit. It is imperative that every person respond to a fire alarm and vacate a building in which an alarm is sounded. This procedure reflects both the law and common sense. Students who fail to vacate a building when a fire alarm is sounded will be subject to disciplinary action.

The following charges and penalties will automatically be invoked for students who fail to vacate a residence hall when an alarm is sounded:

First Offense – $50 penalty charge and referral to the Residence Life Office

Second Offense – $75 penalty charge and possible dismissal from campus residence

If a fire is present, the Wilkes-Barre Fire Department (911) must be notified of the location of the fire, the name of the campus building, and the street address of the fire.

Tampering with fire extinguishers and other fire equipment or the sounding of false alarms is a serious threat to the safety of all and is strictly prohibited. Violations of this policy will result in serious disciplinary action by the University.

The following system of charges and penalties is automatically invoked against students who tamper with fire extinguishers.

First Offense - $100 penalty plus applicable fees to recharge said extinguisher and referral to Student Life Council

Second Offense - $100 penalty plus applicable fees to recharge said extinguisher, and dismissal from campus residence; notification forwarded to the Fire Chief

Tampering with fire safety equipment, i.e. alarms, sprinkler heads and smoke detectors

First offense - $500 plus referral to conduct process

Bulletin Boards

Campus bulletin boards are under the jurisdiction of various academic departments, the Marketing Communications Office, and the Coordinator of Student Development. Students are encouraged to use bulletin boards in the Student Center.

Placement of signs on departmental bulletin boards is prohibited. Also, any notice or flyer that is placed on walls or glass or doors will be removed immediately. The single exception to this regulation applies to the posting of Emergency Notifications which are placed on the doors of buildings to ensure adequate information reaches the members of the University community relative to safety and security concerns.

Because of limited space, priority for postings will be given to the following groups and individuals: any recognized campus organization that is promoting an event, fundraiser, or meeting; special University functions; individuals who wish to advertise books or other merchandise for sale; individuals looking for rides home or to area colleges; individuals looking for a roommate or to rent an apartment, etc

Area businesses such as pizza parlors, restaurants, stores, or nightclubs must contact the Office of Student Development before posting anything on campus or in campus mailboxes. Failure to do so will result in the immediate removal of any or all posted materials.

Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS, Drones)

The operation of an unmanned aircraft system (UAS; commonly known as a drone), is regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), state and local laws and regulations.  Due to potential risks to safety, security and privacy, use of a UAS from or over University property or inside a campus building is strictly prohibited except for approved educational or research use.  The University reserves the right to immediately shut down the operation and confiscate any UAS found in violation of this restriction. Questions regarding this policy or possible exceptions should be directed to the Office of Risk & Compliance Management.

Social Events and Facilities

Contact: Gretchen Yeninas, Dean of Student Life

All social events must be registered with and approved by the Office of Student Development. All requests for use of residence hall facilities must be initiated and cleared through the Residence Life Office.

Any campus organization planning to enter into a contractual relationship with an off-campus agency or group (bands, concerts, rentals, services, etc.) must have the contract reviewed first by the Office of Student Development and the Office of Finance and Support Operations.

Contracted groups who use University facilities must supply the University with a "Certificate of Insurance" indicating coverage for liability and property damage.