Academic Regulations

Contact: David Ward, Ph.D., Provost

Students are expected to be fully familiar with the current academic regulations as published in the ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app Undergraduate Bulletin and the Student Handbook. They are responsible for ensuring that they are meeting the degree requirements for their particular major and the general degree requirements of the University. Students may elect to follow the requirements for their degree from the Bulletin published when they entered the University or any subsequent Bulletin.

University guidelines are based on the assumption that it is the responsibility and prerogative of faculty members to assign grades for academic work submitted to them by students under their supervision and that faculty members grade student work using their best judgment about the quality and propriety of that work.

Statement on Intellectual Responsibility and Plagiarism

At Wilkes, the faculty and the entire University community share a deep commitment to academic honesty and integrity. Students assume the responsibility for providing original work in their courses without plagiarizing.

*The following are considered to be serious violations and will not be tolerated. These are meant to be examples and are not an exhaustive list.

Academic Misconduct: any behavior that attempts to garner an unfair advantage or give another student an unfair advantage

  • submitting work acquired from another (including another student or commercial paper writing services)
  • completing an assignment for another student
  • use of unauthorized electronics during an exam (i.e. cell phone, calculator, wireless two-way communicators)
  • leaving a room during an exam, with the exam
  • possession of unauthorized copies of an exam (either current or past exams)
  • submitting false information or documentation that requests special accommodations from a professor

Cheating: giving improper aid to another, or receiving such aid from another, or from some other source

  • to copy from another student
  • to allow another student to copy from you
  • to use unauthorized notes or formula sheets during an exam

Collusion: improper collaboration with another in preparing assignments, computer programs, or in taking examinations

  • to discuss an exam with a student who is scheduled to take the same exam at another later section
  • to take an extra copy of an exam to share with another outside of your own section
  • unless an instructor indicates that collaboration is allowed, students should work individually on assignments
  • a clear notation should be made if you have collaborated with someone on an assignment

Falsifying: the fabrication, misrepresentation, or alteration of citations, experimental data, laboratory data, or data derived from other empirical methods or giving false information

  • to create false data for lab reports or other research
  • to cite materials not used in your assignment
  • to misrepresent work done outside the classroom (i.e. as it relates to field work or internship hours)
  • to ask for special consideration under false pretenses

Plagiarism: the use of another's ideas, programs, or words without proper acknowledgment

  • to use an idea, illustration, diagram or other detail from a source without making a reference in the bibliography
  • unauthorized use of AI/machine learning software, products, or services to complete an assignment, project, or paper
  • to submit another person’s paper, program or other assignment as one’s own
  • to paraphrase without citing a source
  • to use a partial phrase from a source without putting it in quotations, or otherwise citing it
  • to use information found on the internet without citing the source
  • self-plagiarism—reusing your own work for another assignment in another class

The University considers the following as three separate forms of plagiarism:

  • Deliberate plagiarism centers on the issue of intent. If students deliberately claim another's language, ideas, or other intellectual or creative work as their own, they are engaged in a form of intellectual theft. This is not tolerated in academic, business, and professional communities, and confirmed instances of plagiarism usually result in serious consequences. Similarly, submitting the work of another person or submitting a paper purchased from another person or agency is a clear case of intentional plagiarism for which students will be subject to the severest penalties.
  • Unintentional plagiarism often results from misunderstanding conventional documentation, oversight, or inattentive scholarship. Unintentional plagiarism can include forgetting to give authors credit for their ideas, transcribing from poor notes, and even omitting relevant punctuation marks.
  • Self-plagiarism occurs when students submit papers presented for another course, whether for the English department or another department or school. Students may submit papers for more than one course only if all instructors involved grant permission for such simultaneous or recycled submissions.

Students should follow these general principles when incorporating the ideas and words of others into their writing:

  • The exact language of another person (whether a single distinctive word, phrase, sentence, or paragraph) must be identified as a direct quotation and must be provided with a specific acknowledgment of the source of the quoted matter.
  • Paraphrases and summaries of the language and ideas of another person must be clearly restated in the author's own words, not those of the original source, and must be provided with a specific acknowledgment of the source of the paraphrased or summarized matter.
  • All visual media, including graphs, tables, illustrations, raw data, audio and digital material, are covered by the notion of intellectual property and, like print sources, must be provided with a specific acknowledgment of the source.
  • Sources must be acknowledged using the systematic documentation method required by the instructor for specific assignments and courses.
  • As a general rule, when in doubt, provide acknowledgment for all borrowed material. Different disciplines use different documentation methods; therefore, students should consult instructors about the correct use of the appropriate documentation style. Style manuals detailing correct forms for acknowledging sources are available in the Farley Library, at the Writing Center, and at the college bookstore. Additional resources and guidance in the correct use of sources can be obtained at the Writing Center and from individual instructors.

FAQ for Students

Q. If I am accused of academic dishonesty or misconduct, can’t I just resolve the situation with my instructor?

A. Faculty members who suspect that a student has committed an act of academic misconduct should speak with the student to resolve any questions they may have. However, faculty are expected to report all cases of suspected academic misconduct to both the Provost and the Dean of Student Affairs.

Q. What will happen to me if I am accused of academic dishonesty?

Faculty have the right to take academic action, such as penalize you points for the assignment, fail you for the assignment or for the class. The Student Affairs office has the right to assign disciplinary sanctions as a violation of the Academic Honesty policy is a violation of the Student Handbook

Q. What if I didn’t realize what I did was a violation of the Academic Honesty policy? How can I be considered responsible?

A.The Student Handbook outlines examples of violation. Students are expected to be familiar with policies and must pass a handbook quiz as a part of new student orientation. This topic is also covered in the First-Year Foundations course in a student’s first semester.

Students will often collaborate with another student on an assignment and say that they didn’t realize it was a violation. Students are expected to present their own work and unless a faculty member specifically states that collaboration is permitted, a student should assume it is not. If there are any questions regarding collaboration on an assignment, a student should consult with the faculty giving the assignment.

Q. What if I have information about another student violating the academic honesty policy?

A. Any information regarding violations of the academic honesty policy should be reported. You may speak with either the professor of the course involved, or report directly to the Student Affairs office.

Q. How does the University keep the records of academic misconduct cases?

A. Academic misconduct files are kept in the Office of Student Life. They are kept for seven years after a student graduates or leaves Wilkes. There is no mention of such acts on a student’s transcript. However, if as a result of disciplinary sanctions a student is dismissed from the University, the Registrar’s office will also be notified.

Q. Does the University ever reveal that a student has been found responsible of academic misconduct?

A. Sanctions invoked in cases involving academic fraud will be shared with the faculty member who has brought the charges of academic dishonesty.

If a student in the Nesbitt School of Pharmacy or the Passan School of Nursing is found responsible for violating the Academic Integrity policy, the appropriate dean will be notified.

Certain agencies conduct reviews of student records, for example when a student applies for employment with federal agencies or state police. If they ask, we are obliged to answer a question. We do not contact parents and will only speak with parents if the appropriate release has been signed by the student.

University Information Technology Services

Contact: Gerald Korea, Executive Director Information Technology Services

Technology facilitates creative, collaborative learning. It is a tool for seeking innovative solutions, creating opportunities, and continually developing knowledge.   To provide these essential tools to ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app students, Information Technology Services are integrated into nearly every aspect of student life at the University. Online courses and blended learning environments are possible through Wilkes' learning management system, LIVE! – Learning is Virtually Everywhere.

More than 1,200 Apple Macintosh and Dell Windows computers are found on campus in classrooms, computing labs, and residence halls. Most classrooms are technology enhanced to enhance the learning experience. A wide variety of academic software is installed on campus computers and is specially geared to specific academic departments and disciplines. High speed, networked printers are placed strategically throughout campus for student use, subject to the campus Green Print Printing Policy.

High-speed Internet access is available through wired connections and wireless access across campus in academic buildings and residence halls. In most rooms in the residence halls, there is one wired connection per student in each room as well as wifi access throughout.

Technology Policies and Regulations

All students receive a ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥appuser name and password, which are necessary to use the wide range of available services, both on campus and off. University technology resources are available to all students, who are required to use them in accordance with the University'sAcceptable Use Policy.

For more information on our other policies, please review the following:

It is the responsibility of students to read and familiarize themselves with these University policies.

A student's account and technology privileges may be suspended immediately upon the discovery of a possible violation of these policies. Suspected violations among students will be reported to the Dean of Students and addressed in the same manner as all student actions.

Technology Help and Support

For telephone support dial xHELP (4357) from any campus extension or 1-866-264-1462.

In-person assistance is available Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 5:00pm at the Help Desk located on the main floor Farley Library, next to the Circulation Desk. The Student Run Computer Clinic, staffed by students, provides assistance with student-owned laptops or other devices, and can be also be visited at the Help Desk in the Farley Library. For more information can be found at the ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥appInformation Services (ITS) page.

Academic Record

Contact: Susan Hritzak, Registrar

  1. It is the student's responsibility to make an appointment with their academic advisor to plan their academic program/degree completion, and to complete the appropriate forms. Generally, students are responsible for registering each semester for those courses indicated in the Bulletin as required by their department.
  2. Students should expect a grade in any course for which they register unless they have filed a withdrawal form with the Registrar by the end of the tenth week of the semester. Students cannot expect a grade unless they have officially registered for, or officially added, a course.

    An "X" means that the student received an incomplete grade. Incompletes will be granted to students who, because of illness or reasons beyond their control, have been unable to satisfy all course requirements including the final examination by the end of the term. When such a grade is reported, the incomplete work must be made up by or before the end of the fourth week following the last day of the examination period. If the incomplete grade is not changed within this time, or an extension of time granted by the instructor who gave the grade (or by some other authorized person), and the Registrar so notified, the grade will be changed to a zero on the student's record. At whatever point in the future that the missing work is completed, and upon notification of the updated grade to the Registrar by the faculty member, the zero grade will be changed to the new grade on the student’s record.  Note that students cannot graduate with any outstanding “X†grades on their records.

  3. If students change their schedule or transfer sections after the start of the semester, they must ensure that the change is recorded officially by completing the necessary drop/add forms with the Registrar and making the necessary arrangements with the professors involved.
  4. Students should refer to the to familiarize themselves with required grade point averages as established by the faculty for class standing and graduation requirements.

Academic Standards Committee

Contact: Dr. Deborah Tindell, Faculty chair of the committee

At the conclusion of each grading period, the Academic Standards Committee reviews the record of any student whose grade point average does not meet the requirements established by the faculty. Failure to meet the required average may result in a student being placed on academic probation by the Committee or being dismissed from the University for academic deficiency.

Decisions made by the Committee regarding ineligibility and restrictions on activities may be appealed. Student appeals are traditionally held on the Thursday preceding the commencement of the spring semester or summer session I. A student may petition the Committee by completing the appropriate form from the Registrar's Office and submitting it to the chairperson of the Committee. Students petitioning the Academic Standards Committee for special consideration regarding academic standards must adhere to the following procedure:

  1. All requests for action must be submitted in writing to the chairperson of the Academic Standards Committee.
  2. Student requests may be supported by a letter of recommendation from a faculty member, advisor, department chairperson, or the Dean(s) of Student Affairs.
  3. In the event of a negative decision by the Committee, a personal hearing for reconsideration may be requested.

Decisions of the Committee are final.

Attendance Policy

We strongly recommend all members of the University community to be attentive to their health and safeguard others by staying home when you are sick and to seek appropriate medical evaluation.
Instructors are expected to

  1. Inform students in writing of their attendance policy at the beginning of the semester.
  2. Take attendance and report excessive absences to the Deans of Student Affairs.
  3. Discourage absence from classes prior to the beginning of a holiday period.

Attendance at all scheduled classes is expected and required. Repeated absences are a sufficient cause for failure.

After five consecutive instructional hours of unexcused absences from a class, students may be readmitted to the class only by action of the Office of Student Life and Success and the department chairperson concerned. Any absence beyond that permitted in the course is a matter between the student and the instructor. Absences due to illness, religious holidays, or participation in athletic or other University sponsored activities are usually considered to be acceptable reasons for absences, but notification of such absences and arrangements to make up missed work should be made with the instructor by the student.

In the unfortunate event of a death in the family, students are asked to contact the Office of Student Life and Success so that notification might be sent to faculty members and arrangements made with them to assist students in making up missed work.

If students are ill and will be missing a test, examination, or presentation, it is their responsibility to contact the instructor by email prior to the start of the missed activity.
When students are going to be absent for a period of two days or more, if they notify the Office of Student Life and Success, written notification of their extended absence will be sent to the students’ instructors.

COVID and Influenza Related Protocol

Students who are engaging in isolation or quarantine at the direction of the Wilkes Barre Health Department, ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app Health Services Office, or their health care professional, should not attend class. Students will be required to provide documentation of isolation/quarantine directions from their healthcare professional to the office of Health and Wellness Services. Students will not be penalized for absences, missed exams, labs, or other critical academic activities, unless they fail to notify their instructors of their absences. Students must take responsibility for their absences and keep up with their coursework if they cannot attend class. They must:
• Inform their instructors/professors and the Office of Student Life and Success of their inability to attend class prior to class meetings.
• Refrain from coming to the classroom or visiting the instructor/professor.
• Maintain open communication by notifying instructors and student health services (, 570-408-4730) as soon as they become aware of the situation.
• Keep up with classwork, unless they are unable to do so.
• When available, attend class remotely and submit assignments digitally, unless they are unable to do so.
• Work with their instructors to reschedule exams, labs, and other critical academic activities as soon as possible.

Cell Phone and Electronic Device Policy

To provide an optimum environment for learning, all cellular phones and other electronic devices must be kept on silent alert (vibration or visible flash) while in the classroom, laboratory, or studio. Any calls must be answered outside the classroom. Students are not allowed to record (audio and/or video) lectures or labs without the written permission of the instructor.

Standards of Classroom Behavior

The primary responsibility for managing the classroom environment rests with the course instructor. Students who engage in any prohibited or unlawful acts that result in disruption of a class may be directed by the faculty member to leave the class for the remainder of the class period. Longer suspensions from a class, or dismissal on disciplinary grounds, must be proceeded by a disciplinary conference hearing.

Tests and Final Examinations

Giving and proctoring examinations is an important duty of every instructor. It is not an acceptable practice to have examinations proctored by undergraduate students. Each instructor is expected to be physically present when examinations are given or to have arranged for a faculty colleague to be present. Deviations from this policy must have the approval of the department chairperson and the appropriate dean.

Students shall not be allowed to leave the final examination room prior to completion of the examination unless given permission to do so by the proctor.

The times of final examinations are set by the Registrar. Under no circumstances may a faculty member change the time of a final examination without the agreement of the Registrar; arrangement by the student to take a final examination at other than the scheduled time will not justify violating this policy.

Students with conflicting final examinations are to see the faculty member of the course which has the smaller enrollment so another time may be arranged for the examination.

Students are not required to take three finals in one day. If a student has three examinations scheduled on one day, he or she is to see the faculty member of the course which has the smallest enrollment so another time may be scheduled for that examination.

Students unable to take final examinations due to illness or emergency should (1) notify the instructor and (2) request a make-up examination at the earliest possible time.


Registration takes place nine weeks after the beginning of the semester, by class year. All continuing students are expected to preregister with their advisors, and to register on the dates specified in the University Calendar.  All Veteran/Service Member students, or dependents using Veterans Education benefits, are eligible for priority enrollment, and are allowed to register for classes at the beginning of each registration period along with all Seniors. Preregistration with academic advisors should be scheduled in advance of the scheduled registration period. The master schedule is available online before preregistration dates begin.

Adding a Class

Students may add a course with the permission of the instructor of the course and of their faculty advisor. Appropriate permission, indicating approval, must be submitted to the Registrar's Office via forms found on the Registrar’s web page.

Credit Overload

Only students with a grade point average of 3.00 or students demonstrating special need will be allowed to register for a credit overload. A credit overload shall be interpreted as credits carried in excess of 18 credits or those required by the student's particular curriculum. Approval must be granted by the student's advisor and one of the Dean(s) of Student Life and Success. Additional charges will be applied.

GPA Adjustment Policy

The GPA Adjustment Policy is a policy and procedure for a student to request removal of substandard grades in majors/programs for which they are clearly not suited. Removing grades of less than 2.0 may help the student gain confidence in his/her academic ability, choose another academic career path, increase their GPA to be removed from Academic Probation or Ineligibility, and, possibly, reinstate financial aid. This action will only be permitted if the student agrees to the specific conditions detailed below. The complete policy and procedure, and the form, are available from the Registrar's Office.

  • The student MUST change majors/programs. This can include changing between declared majors/programs, changing from declared majors/programs to "undeclared", or changing from "undeclared" to declared majors/programs.
  • The student MUST receive permission from the Department Chair of the new major to invoke this policy or the Executive Director for Student Success if switching to undeclared. The Chairperson of the Department into which the student desires to transfer has the decision-making authority to accept the new change of major. If the Chairperson of the Department refuses to accept the student, or if the student decides upon "undeclared," the student may contact the Office of Student Success personnel and request a change to "undeclared" status.
  • The student may initiate the GPA Adjustment Policy anytime during his/her current academic career. A returning student may apply the Policy to previously completed courses with no time limit. The student may only apply a maximum of 18 credit hours of courses to the GPA Adjustment Policy during his/her academic career at Wilkes.
  • The student must follow the Director of Financial Aid's Federal Guidelines regarding the maximum number of acceptable credits earned each academic year and minimum GPA. This implies that the Policy may be applied more than once during his/her academic career at ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥appas long as the student follows the Federal Guidelines and change majors/programs a second time.

Withdrawal From Courses

It is presumed that a student will complete the courses for which he or she has registered. Any student who wishes to withdraw from a course should first discuss the matter with the instructor. Students must pay careful attention to the official withdrawal policy approved by the faculty. A grade of "W" is given for approved withdrawal from a course; failing to withdraw by stated policy will result in a grade of "0.0."

Fall and Spring Semesters:

Withdrawal Period 1: During the first week of the semester, the student may withdraw from a course by informing their advisor, securing all required approvals on the withdrawal form, and then returning the completed withdrawal form to the Registrar's Office. Any withdrawal made during Period 1 is deleted from the student's record and will not appear on the transcript.

Withdrawal Period 2: After the first week of the semester, withdrawal is allowed through the tenth week of the semester (66% of semester completed) and requires the approval of both the course instructor and the student's academic advisor. Any withdrawal made after Period 1 will result in a "W" on the student's transcript.

Withdrawal Period 3: After the 10th week of the semester, the student may withdraw only for medical reasons or other extremely serious circumstances. Withdrawal requests based upon medical circumstances must be supported by a written excuse from a health care provider.

Poor academic progress, in and of itself, will not be considered sufficient reason for granting permission to withdraw from a course following the allowed withdrawal period. Withdrawals after the tenth week must be approved by both the course instructor and the Dean of the School or College in which the course is being taught. The Dean of Students will provide consultation regarding this decision, as deemed appropriate by the course instructor, the Dean of School or College in which the course is being taught, or both.

It is the student's responsibility to initiate the appropriate course withdrawal via the Registrar's Forms web page. Upon approval from all required parties, including the indication of last date of attendance from the instructor, the course withdrawal will be processed by the Registrar’s Office. A grade of "0.0" is assigned by the instructor and recorded for all courses in which no official withdrawal, as specified above, has been completed by the student. Any withdrawal made after Period 1 will result in a "W" on the student's transcript.

Students who are considering withdrawing from a course should be reminded that state and federal regulations for financial aid mandate that a student must earn the appropriate credits within the period of August to August or January to January, and maintain the appropriate grade point average for their class standing. For more details, please refer to the Academic Progress Requirements area in the Financial Aid Award Guide under the Student tab on the portal. Students should also be mindful of the University Refund Schedule, which allows for adjustments to tuition through the fourth week of the semester. Fees are not refundable.

Withdrawal Deadlines

Academic Session Deadline for Withdrawal Period 1 Deadline for Withdrawal Period 2 Deadline for Withdrawal Period 3
Fall or Spring semester (15 week duration) End of Week 1 (6.6% of course completed) End of 10th week of semester (66% of course completed) After 10th week (greater than 66% of course completed)
First and Second Summer session (20 class-day duration) End of 3rd day of class End of 14th day of class After 14th day of class
9 week evening Summer session (18 class-day duration) End of the 4th day of class End of the 12th day of class After the 12th day of class
Pre-session (15 class-day duration) End of the 3rd day of class End of the 10th day of class After the 10th day of class
Intersession (variable class-day duration) End of the third day of class Determined by Registrar Determined by Registrar

Signatures Required for Withdrawal

  • Withdrawal Period 1: Advisor
  • Withdrawal Period 2: Course Instructor and Advisor
  • Withdrawal Period 3: Course Instructor and Dean of College in which courses is taken

Guidelines for Implementation

  1. If a student wishes to withdraw from a course between the second through the tenth week of the semester (Period 2), they must request and receive permission from the course instructor and the advisor in order to withdraw.
  2. If a student is permitted to withdraw from a course after the ten-week period (Period 3), the approvals of the Unit Dean in which the course is being taught and the course instructor are required. It is the student's responsibility to initiate the course withdrawal by obtaining the official electronic form designed for this purpose from the Registrar's Office web page. After initiating the electronic course withdrawal form, it will be routed to the appropriate parties mentioned above for approval.  A student may seek assistance from the Dean of Students in facilitating this process, including such cases in which the instructor cannot be reached.

    Notification of the approved form designed for this purpose will be sent by the Unit Dean to the Registrar for processing, who will, in turn, notify the student, the course instructor, the student's advisor, and the Unit Dean immediately. If both the course instructor and the Unit Dean agree with the withdrawal, a grade of "W" will be assigned by the instructor and posted by the Registrar. If the course instructor and the Unit Dean disagree with the withdrawal, then the student will be assigned a grade as determined by the course instructor.

  3. Disagreements between course instructor and the Unit Dean on course withdrawal cases will be automatically forwarded by the Registrar to the Academic Standards Committee of the University. A subcommittee consisting of at least two faculty and one member from the Office of Student Affairs will review the withdrawal and reasons for disagreement within one academic week. The decision of this subcommittee will be recorded by the Registrar and forwarded to the student, the course instructor, and the Unit Dean.
  4. If an official withdrawal, including proper paperwork, has not been initiated and completed by the student, the instructor will assign and record the grade of "0.0" for the course.
  5. Appeals will follow the Academic Grievance Procedure (for information about this procedure, see the ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app Student Handbook).

Auditing Courses

Auditing courses is a practice designed primarily for the purpose of allowing students to expand their educational opportunities beyond the limitations imposed by courses taken in fulfillment of normal graduation requirements.

Courses may be taken on an audit basis only if formal registration is completed prior to the end of the first week of the semester. Permission of the course instructor will be required.

Students withdrawing from a course who wish to attend additional classes in that course may do so with the permission of the instructor. In all cases, these students will receive a grade of "W."

Students auditing courses will comply with all stated course policies and meet all stated course standards and requirements, including attendance. Students who fail to comply with course standards, requirements, and policies will not be awarded "Audit" recognition.

A full-time student enrolled at ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app is permitted to audit a course free of charge with the permission of the instructor. Part-time or special students may apply for admission into a course on an audit basis. The charge will be one-half the normal tuition rate with admission subject to the approval of the instructor.

Change of Major

Students who wish to transfer from one undergraduate program to another must initiate a form titled "Change of Major." The form can be obtained via the Registrar's Forms page. This form must be approved by the student's advisor, the chairperson of the department in which the student is currently enrolled as a major, and of the chairperson of the department that the student wishes to enter. The same procedure applies for the declaration of a second degree, second major, and a minor.

Final Grades

ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app students obtain their final grades each semester via the University's secure website: With the exception of graduate students, final grades are not mailed to students in paper form at the end of the semester. The advantage of on-line grades is that students have immediate and 24-hour a day access to their final semester grades and unofficial transcripts as soon as the Registrar posts them.


Students who wish to have a transcript issued on their behalf must complete a Transcript Request via the Registrar’s Transcripts page. Transcripts can be sent in either electronic or paper format.

A fee is charged for each transcript requested.

Grading System

Eight numerical grades are given for academic work:

Grade Interpretation

  • 4.0 Academic achievement of outstanding quality
  • 3.5 Academic achievement above high quality
  • 3.0 Academic achievement of high quality
  • 2.5 Academic achievement above acceptable quality in meeting requirements for graduation
  • 2.0 Academic achievement of acceptable quality in meeting requirements for graduation
  • 1.5 Academic achievement above the minimum quality required for credit
  • 1.0 Academic achievement of minimum quality required for credit
  • 0.0 Academic achievement below the minimum required for course credit

Letter Grade Interpretation

  • P – Passing, no credit
  • F — Failing, no credit
  • W — Withdrawal
  • A — Audit, no credit
  • X — Incomplete

Class Standing

Grades and averages at the end of each semester of the four academic years indicate a student's progress. Unless the following minimum grade point averages are met, a student's record is automatically reviewed by the Academic Standards Committee.

Overall Grade Point Average and Major Field Point Average

  • First Year 1.70
  • Sophomore Year 2.00
  • Junior Year 2.00
  • Senior Year 2.00

If these minimum averages are not attained during each semester of the year indicated, the Academic Standards Committee will review the student's record and take action resulting in either academic probation or academic ineligibility.

Repeating a Course

  1. Students may repeat any course.
  2. When a course is repeated at Wilkes, the higher grade earned will be used in the calculation of the cumulative grade point average (GPA) appearing on the transcript.
  3. The lower grade will remain on the transcript, but will be identified to show that it is excluded in the calculation of the student's GPA.
  4. This policy does not supersede any existing department or program policy.
  5. Students who are transferring to another major may appeal with regard to grades of less than 2.0 earned in courses required in the previous major through the GPA Adjustment Policy. Students may request that these grades be excluded from their GPA. The courses in which they were earned will not be counted toward satisfaction of the requirements for any degree.
  6. These courses will be identified, and the transcript will be noted to indicate that the GPA has been adjusted.

Dean's List

Effective Fall 2017, students who earn twelve credits or more in a single semester with a semester grade point average of 3.50 or better will be placed on the Dean's List.

Degree Honors

The granting of degree honors at commencement is based upon the entire academic record achieved by the student at ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app. Transfer students must complete a minimum of 60 credits at ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥appto be eligible for Latin degree honors at graduation.

Requirements for Latin Degree Honors

  • Summa Cum Laude 3.90
  • Magna Cum Laude 3.70
  • Cum Laude 3.50

For degree honors, grade point averages are not rounded.

Academic Standing, Probation, and Ineligibility

It is expected that students at ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app will work to their full capacity and potential in all courses. Academic standing reflects progress toward degree completion and is determined according to minimum semester grade point averages achieved.

For the purposes of determining academic standing, first year students are defined as students who have attempted up to 36 credits. First year students must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 1.70 in order to be considered "in good standing" at the University. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00 overall and a minimum grade point average in their major coursework to be considered "in good standing" at the University.

  • Sophomores are defined as students who have completed 36 – 59 credits
  • Juniors as students who have completed 60 – 89 credits
  • Seniors as students who have completed 90 credits or more

A student who fails to achieve the required minimum grade point average(s) will automatically be placed on academic probation or declared "academically ineligible." Academic probation serves as a warning to the student that he or she is not making satisfactory progress toward a degree. Students placed on academic probation may, based upon the recommendation of the student's academic advisor and action by the Academic Standards Committee, be restricted in the number of credits that they are permitted to attempt in the following semester. The Academic Standards Committee may impose additional restrictions and requirements in individual cases, if it is determined that such restrictions and requirements are in the best interest of the student. Such restrictions may affect the student's participation in extra-curricular and co-curricular activities.

Students who remain on academic probation for two consecutive semesters are subject to declaration as "academically ineligible" to continue at the University. Students who are declared academically ineligible are not allowed to enroll in any coursework at ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥appfor a period of one semester and must, following the semester of mandated leave, apply in writing to the Academic Standards Committee for readmission to the University. The application for readmission must include evidence of the student's prospects for academic success in subsequent semesters. If readmission to the University is approved by the Academic Standards Committee, the student will be readmitted on a probationary status.

An "academically ineligible" decision of the Academic Standards Committee may be appealed by the student at the designated meeting for appeals at the conclusion of the fall and spring semesters. Appeals must be presented to the Committee, either in person or by letter, at the appropriate appeals meeting and should include good and sufficient reasons for the appeal.

Transfer Students

Contact: Katy Betnar, Executive Director of Student Success

Transfer students from junior colleges, community colleges, and other two-year institutions must complete a minimum of 60 credits at baccalaureate degree-granting institutions; 30 of these credits must be earned at ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app.

All transfer students must complete at least one-half of their major field credits at ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app. University policy prohibits the Admissions Office from admitting any students who have been dismissed for academic or disciplinary reasons from any college or university until a period of one year has elapsed from the time of dismissal. Students who have been placed on probation by a college or university will be considered for admission on a case-by-case basis.

Transfer Credit

Courses taken by students enrolled at ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app and completed for credit at another institution may be applied to a student's ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥appacademic record, provided approval is given by the Registrar's Office. Students must receive prior approval for the transfer credits by completing the Transfer Credit Request form which is available in the Registrar's Office. The form must be submitted to the Registrar after the appropriate departmental signature has been obtained. Before credit is granted, departments may require a competency examination after the course has been completed. Grades earned in transfer are not computed with the cumulative average of the student. Students who wish to repeat a course in order to replace a grade of lower than a 2.0 with a higher final grade must repeat that course at ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app. While credit for the courses completed at another institution may transfer to Wilkes, grades earned in such courses do not transfer and will not affect the student's grade point average. Only grades of "2.0" or better are transferable.

Academic Credit for Demonstrated Competency

Please refer to the current .

Appeal of Grade

Students who have a clear and justifiable grievance with reference to a grade should first seek resolution with the instructor and, subsequently, with the department chairperson. It is expected that the chairperson will consult with the faculty member in an effort to resolve the dispute. The chairperson may also exercise the option to involve the appropriate school dean in the discussion with the faculty member.

If satisfaction cannot be obtained, the student has the right to appeal to the Provost. Such appeal must be made by the end of the fourth week of the subsequent fall or spring semester.

The Provost will consult with the appropriate dean and department chairperson and will establish an Appeal Committee of three faculty members at least two of whom shall be from the department of the faculty member involved, if this is possible. A committee chairperson will be appointed by the Provost. The committee chairperson will notify the faculty member of the appeal and the composition of the committee.

The Appeal Committee will hear the student's complaint, interview the faculty member, and study the evidence presented by both parties. If necessary, the Committee may interview other students or faculty in its efforts to determine the facts.

The Committee will make a report to the Provost in which will include a review of the issues and a recommended solution. In most cases, this will be a recommendation to uphold the grade awarded by the instructor or to alter the grade that the student received. In some cases, the recommendation may be to present the student with other alternatives such as the completion of additional work before a final grade is determined.

The Provost will review the committee's recommendation and inform the faculty member and student of his/her decision.

Academic Grievances

Students having academic grievances should first confer with the instructor involved. The route of appeal is the department chairperson, the dean of the school, and the Provost.

Withdrawal from the University

Contact: Dr. Philip Ruthkosky, Dean of Student Success

The procedure for withdrawal from the University for any reason, prior to graduation, is to obtain a withdrawal form from the Office of Student Affairs and follow the instructions listed on that form.

This withdrawal procedure is designed to:

  • Protect students from receipt of inaccurate grades.
  • Protect their chance of re-matriculation.
  • Aid in the record-keeping procedures of the University.

The University reserves the right to recommend the withdrawal of a student whose mental health or well-being is in a precarious state and who may, therefore, present appreciable risk to him or herself or to others. Such action will be taken only after a thorough evaluation and recommendation by professional medical or psychological personnel and the Associate Vice-President of Student Life and Success.

Such requested withdrawal must be reviewed with the student and their parents/guardians. This type of withdrawal is without prejudice and is executed in such a way as to protect the student's academic record.

Readmission to the University may be granted by the above listed personnel after an evaluation that such a return to the University is in the best interest of the student.

Any student who has excessive unexcused absences in all courses during the semester, and in the opinion of faculty cannot pass those courses, will be withdrawn from the University.

Returning Students

Contact: Registrar's Office

Students who previously attended ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app and did not graduate must contact the Registrar’s Office for re-admission into the University.