Fundraising Guidelines

APPENDIX A - Student Fundraising Policy

Fundraising is an integral facet of student life, and the University recognizes and supports the meaningful contributions that student organizations make both on campus and within the local and global communities. The ensuing guidelines and approval procedures have been adopted to foster a student fundraising environment that is fair, fiscally accountable, and consistent with the values of ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app.

A.  Definition

For University purposes, student fundraising shall be defined as any on-campus or off-campus student-run activities designed to generate revenue or materials through donations or the direct sale of merchandise or service. 

B.    Fundraising Eligibility

Student fundraising is permitted by: 

  • University sanctioned clubs and organizations in good standing
  •  University athletic teams
  •  Students in University sponsored leadership programs or service initiatives
  • Students involved in projects associated with a specific academic course or program at the University 

Student fundraising is restricted to activities where the purpose is to: 

Raise proceeds to support activities or purchase materials that are consistent with the purpose of the student organization/group (e.g., conferences, field trips, uniforms, supplies, socials) 


Raise proceeds that will be directed towards a charitable organization or altruistic cause. 

C.  General Guidelines 

The following guidelines are applicable to all student fundraising activities: 

1. Prior to beginning any fundraising activity, students must complete a fundraiser application and submit it to the Office of Student Development, 1st Floor Henry Student Center. Applications are available at the Henry Student Center information desk. You may also complete an online application.

2. Student groups must have a University fund number to apply for approval to conduct a revenue- generating fundraiser. This may include the group's fund number or the fund of a University program/department supporting the fundraiser. Non-monetary fundraisers such as charitable drives to collect food and clothing do not require a fund number 

3. Student organizations must keep accurate records of funds raised and spent. Records must include a merchant produced or non-University document that records the relevant details for each item purchased including quantities, amounts, a description of what was purchased, the total charge amount and the merchant's name and address (e.g., sales receipt, original invoice, packing slip, credit receipt, email order confirmations, etc.).

4. Money raised from a fundraiser cannot be used without depositing it into a University account first. All monetary donations must be deposited into a University account within two working days of receipt.

  • To deposit revenues, students must complete a Cash Receipt Transmittal form (available on the ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥appPortal, Controller's Office channel) and deliver it to Bursar's Office.
  • Students are asked to contact Public Safety (408-4999) for an escort to the Bursar's Office when depositing revenues in excess of $100.

5. In order to use ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app's name or logo on fundraising merchandise or promotional materials, student groups must receive written approval from the Office of Marketing Communications (Contact: Associate Director of Creative Services at 570-408-4775).

6. Students are not authorized to sign contracts on behalf of the institution. Groups who are planning to use outside vendors/entertainment must submit the appropriate contract to the Procurement Office (Contact: Procurement Director at 570-408-6024).

7. Solicitation of off campus organizations or individuals must be approved by the Office of Advancement (Contact: Director of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving at 570-408-4135).

  • Any gifts received (cash or in-kind) must be deposited into a University account and properly receipted by the Office of Advancement.

8. The name of the club/organization and purpose of the fundraiser must be clearly visible during all fundraising events.

9. All on-campus and off-campus fundraising activities must adhere to all policies set forth in the Student Handbook.

D. Fundraising for Charitable Causes

Fundraising activities for charitable causes are permissible provided the above guidelines are adhered to along with the following:

  1. Prior to conducting fundraising activities for non-profit, charitable organizations, student groups must submit a statement of support from the organization that authorizes the fundraiser to occur on its behalf.
  2. Educational information about the charitable organization and the services it provides must be made available at the fundraising event.
  3. Monies raised on behalf of a charitable organization or cause must be deposited into a University account prior to being dispersed.
    • When monetary donations from a fundraising activity are collected directly by the non-profit agency, student groups must request a receipt from the organization that delineates the total funds raised and forward it to the Coordinator of Civic Engagement.

E. Fundraising Examples

The following list contains general examples of activities that may be used for fundraising. The Office of Student Life and Success reserves the right to review and approve all proposed activities during the application process.

  • The sale of items/services unique to the organization/group (e.g., singing telegrams by the Choral Club, drawings by the Art Club).
  • Items that promote school spirit (e.g., apparel items, lanyards).
  • Pre-packaged food items (e.g., candy bars, sticky buns).
  • Cash donations.
  • Donations of food or clothing. 

F.  Prohibitions 

The University prohibits fundraising activities that include the following: 

  • Uninvited, door-to-door solicitation on ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app property .
  • Fundraising during major University-wide events (such as Commencement, Welcome Weekend, Orientation, Open House, VIP day) without special invitation from the division in charge of the event.
  • Merchandise and/or advertisements that do not conform to commonly established standards of good taste as determined by the Office of Student Life and Success (e.g., lewd, obscene, vulgar, intimidating, ridiculing, threatening or demeaning symbols and/or statements).
  • Merchandise and/or advertisements that promote alcohol or irresponsible behavior (e.g., selling shot glasses, images of alcoholic products on t-shirts, references to intoxication).
  • Fundraising for the personal gain of individuals (e.g., individual club members profiting from a group activity).
  • Revenue generating fundraisers in the University's residence halls or library.
  • Raffles or games of chance.
  • Raising funds for political office candidates.
  • Sale of items that violate trademarks or copyrights (e.g., unauthorized use of  logos, slogans). 

G. Additional Restrictions

Due to the scope and breadth of student fundraising activities, ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app acknowledges that this policy cannot address every possible issue that may arise. Thus, the University reserves the right to impose reasonable restrictions and/or requirements with respect to the time, place, and manner of fundraising activities that may be in addition to, or in lieu of, those set forth in the policy.

H. Fundraiser Locations

On-campus fundraising activities are restricted to:

  • The Henry Student Center
  • Pre-approved athletic venues
  • Lounge/common areas of academic buildings
  • The George Fenner QuadrangleResidence Halls

Fundraising in the residence halls is restricted to charitable food and clothing drives. Revenue generating fund-raisers are not permitted. 

Off-campus fundraisers will be approved on a case-by-case basis during the application process.

I. How to Receive Approval for a Fundraiser Activity

All student fundraising activities must be approved prior to scheduling facilities, advertising, or purchasing merchandise. The approval process is delineated below. 

Step 1: Submit an Application

Complete a fundraiser application and submit it to the Office of Student Development at least two weeks prior to the proposed fundraiser activity. The application can completed online or picked up at the information desk on the 1st floor of the Henry Student Center.

Complete the Online Fundraiser Application

*Fundraising applications will not be approved for more than one semester in advance.

Step 2: Monitor the Status of the Application

A decision on the status of your fundraising application will be sent via email to the student contact listed on the application within five working days from the date of receipt. 

Step 3: Facility Reservation 

Once your application is approved, confirm facility reservations with the appropriate University contacts listed below (if necessary). 

  • Henry Student Center 

To reserve a table in the Henry Student Center concourse, contact the Office of Student Development at 408-4111 at least 7 days in advance of the proposed fundraiser. A maximum of 10 fundraising tables will be approved within a given time slot. On the day of the fundraising event, students will be provided with a laminated pass that must be displayed on their table.

To reserve a room in the Henry Student Center (Ballroom, Student Lounge, Miller Room, Hiscox Room), contact the Office of Student Development at 408-4111 or go to the room reservation link located at Room space in the Student Center is available on a first come first serve basis. 

  • Athletic Venues 

To reserve a table and/or space at an athletic facility (e.g., Ralston Athletic Complex, Marts Gymnasium, UCOM Recreation Athletic Center), contact the Athletics' Office at 408-4020 at least 7 days in advance of the proposed fundraiser. A maximum of 3 fundraising tables will be approved during athletic events. 

  • Common Areas in Academic Buildings 

To reserve a table in a lounge/common area of an academic building (SLC, Breiseth Hall), contact 570-408-2FIX at least 7 days in advance of the proposed fundraiser. 

  • Residence Halls 

To receive permission for a charitable fundraising drive (e.g., food or clothing drive) in a residence hall, contact the Director of Residence Life at 570-408-4354 at least 7 days in advance of the proposed fundraiser. 

  • George Fenner Quadrangle 

To reserve a table and/or space on the Fenner Quadrangle, contact 570-408-2FIX at least 7 days in advance of the proposed fundraiser.

J. Promoting Fundraisers

Student groups must have their fundraiser application approved prior to publicizing an activity. The promotional channels and resources available are delineated below.

  1. Numerous bulletin boards are provided across campus to circulate information about fundraising activities. Flyers must include: the name of the sponsoring student organization, the location and date of the activity, and the purpose for which the fundraising proceeds will be used.
    • All promotional flyers in the Henry Student Center must be approved by the Office of Student Development prior to being posted. Painters tape must be used when attaching promotional items on the walls or windows. (i.e., no duct tape, double sided tape) Flyers may not be attached to any part of the wall surface or the glass entrance doors of the Student Center.
    • All promotional flyers in the residence halls must be approved by the Office of Residence Life prior to being posted.
    • All promotional flyers in academic areas must be approved by the appropriate academic department.
  2. Student groups may advertise their fundraising activities on ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥appToday by emailing an announcement to
  3. The Office of Student Development (1st Floor Student Center) will provide up to twenty black and white copies of promotional flyers for a fundraising activity. For larger print jobs, students may contact the ÐÓ°ÉÖ±²¥app Print Shop at 570-408-4248 (printing fee will apply).
  4. Promotional materials may not be placed on cars in the University's parking lots.
  5. All flyers and promotional materials must be removed by the student group within two days after the conclusion of the fundraising activity.

K. Sanctions

Student groups found to be in violation of the fundraising policy guidelines could be subject to sanctions through the University's disciplinary process that may include, but are not limited to, cancellation of the fundraising event, loss of the right to use University property/facilities for future activities, and suspension of recognized student organization status. The severity of the sanctions will depend on the circumstances surrounding the violation.