Dr. Kimberly Ference
Associate Professor
Pharmacy Practice
Stark Learning Center 115Ekimberly.ference@wilkes.edu
(570) 408-2048
Karen Ford
Office Assistant
Undergraduate Nursing
Stark Learning Center Room N214karen.ford@wilkes.edu
(570) 408-4081
Bernadette Frail
Administrative Assistant
Nesbitt School of Pharmacy
Stark Learning Center 117bernadette.frail@wilkes.edu
(570) 408-4280
Dr. Thomas Franko
Associate Professor and Chair
Pharmacy Practice
Stark Learning Center 336Bthomas.franko@wilkes.edu
(570) 408-4295
Dr. Karen Frantz Fry
Associate Professor
Undergraduate Education
Breiseth Hall 204Ckaren.frantzfry@wilkes.edu
(570) 408-6052
Michele Garrison
Assistant Dean, of Operations
College of Health and Education
Stark Learning Center N204michele.garrison@wilkes.edu
(570) 408-4239
Melissa Gaydos
Assistant Professor
Undergraduate Nursing
Stark Learning Center N235melissa.gaydos@wilkes.edu
(570) 408-3112
Dr. Brenda Gruver
Associate Professor
Pharmacy Practice
Stark Learning Center 330brenda.gruver@wilkes.edu
(570) 408-4283
Marcia Harowicz
Grad Advisor/Intl Coordinator
EDD Education Doctorate
Breiseth Hall 215marcia.harowicz@wilkes.edu
(570) 408-4671